This is a mistake

Sep 22, 2008 07:06

Who: Owen and Tosh
What: The date
When: Monday evening, Owen swings by her place to pick her up.
Status: Complete.
Rating: R. For sexins.

Nerves wouldn't get to him )

toshiko sato, owen harper, *status-complete

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Comments 92

geniustoshiko September 23 2008, 01:02:34 UTC
Tosh was, needless to say, nervous about this evening. Her last few interactions with Owen had either ended up with her in tears or extremely upset. So, in theory, her expectations for the evening should not have been all that high.

However, it was Owen, and with Owen, things had never been quite so simple.

Tosh had been home for hours, trying to get ready and also to calm herself down. It had taken nearly that long to decide what to wear- she'd finally settled on a green wrap-dress and a pair of knee-high boots- it was dressy, but not overly so. She was trying to decide whether to change again when she heard the knock on the door.

Well, here goes nothing

"Hi," Tosh said, opening the door and blushing a little at the sight of the flowers. "Ah, come in," she said, stepping back from the door.


kingoftheweevil September 23 2008, 02:37:18 UTC
His eyes did the customary roam up and down her figure and Owen smiled slightly in approval. She looked fantastic -- he wondered what she'd look like in a little black number he'd seen in one of the shops downtown but blinked out of the fantasy, focusing on her, here, now.

"Oh, these are for you." He held out first the flowers. "If you don't like them, it was all Ianto's idea -- cheeky bugger." Still he showed her he was joking with that easy smile and hoped they were good enough. Second he held out the wine. "And so's this. I just figured since we drank most of yours..."

Owen felt his voice trail off, probably because he ought not to have mentioned that past debacle. Oh fuck it, he was making it up to her, right? "It's not like it's for tonight. I mean -- I plan on going out, yeah?"


geniustoshiko September 24 2008, 02:34:54 UTC
"They're lovely," Tosh said, accepting the flowers and trying to ignore the way Owen's eyes had run over her. She was bound and determined to be relaxed this evening, to try and just be as casual as Owen always seemed to be.

He just seemed to be making it difficult!

When he mentioned the wine, she bit her lip and nodded towards the counter, since she had taken the flowers in her hands.

"Why don't you just set it there-" she said, walking to go find a vase. "And yes, going out. Definitely-" she added, hoping that her slight awkwardness could pass unnoticed.


kingoftheweevil September 24 2008, 03:05:16 UTC
Oh, bugger, was he screwing this up already?

Owen put the bottle back on the counter, briefly considering searching for her liquor cabinet, but then deciding it would make for an awkward moment if Tosh caught him.

"I thought maybe the jazz place would be nice," he called. He'd checked to make sure Jack wouldn't be performing that night; Owen did not need any more of that sort of pressure.

He waited patiently at the door until she came back with the flowers and the vase, studying her with calm eyes. "You look very nice, Tosh." No sarcasm, no underhanded winks or suggestive eyebrows. Just a pleasant smile as he held open the door.


geniustoshiko October 3 2008, 02:03:02 UTC
The last time she and Owen had been this close, she had been crying and he had been comforting her.

Toshiko liked this version infinitely better.

"I am," she replied, her voice as soft as his- though she was nearly shaking at the proximity of his mouth to her ear.

"This wasn't such a bad after all, I guess?"


kingoftheweevil October 3 2008, 02:37:35 UTC
"Not terrible. Yet." Owen was still grinning, giving her hand a light squeeze as he did to show that he was joking. Mostly. You never knew where these things went, when Owen was involved.

He would admit, however, that he liked this better than last time. Mostly because Tosh wasn't crying all over his nice shirts.


geniustoshiko October 3 2008, 02:54:36 UTC
The whole rest of the world seemed so distant, right now- the only things Tosh was aware of (or concerned about) were Owen, herself, and the music they were dancing to.

Not wanting to disrupt this- whatever it was they had managed to get to- Tosh spent the next few minutes in silence, just enjoying the fact that she was actually on a date and dancing with Owen Harper.


kingoftheweevil October 3 2008, 03:16:01 UTC
Their song came to a close, leaving Tosh and Owen standing in the middle of the dance floor surrounded by couples and warm applause for the band. Neither of them moved as Owen let go of her hand, in a smooth, contemplating motion lifting her chin to study her.

"Where do you want this to go, Tosh?" he asked her quietly, the gentle, worried crease between his eyebrows not quite fading.


geniustoshiko October 4 2008, 03:02:40 UTC
This kiss took her by surprise, and she found that it was every bit as amazing as the first. Still somewhat breathless and giggling, she settled herself in the car, waiting as Owen got in on his side.

"So we're going to be buying lawn gnomes on our date?" Tosh asked, still grinning and somewhat in disbelief of how much fun they were having.


kingoftheweevil October 4 2008, 03:17:01 UTC
Of course it was amazing. How could it not be amazing? Owen was a master kisser so expect nothing but the best. He dare not admit that the more he was with her, thinking about Tosh so differently, the more he craved that closeness.

"Or taking them from other peoples lawn and putting them in his," Owen rationalized as he put the car into drive and hit the gas. "Can you imagine the look on his face in the morning? Boy won't know what hit him."


geniustoshiko October 4 2008, 03:22:30 UTC
Tosh continued to giggle, knowing that this was completely wrong, but somehow finding herself wanting to go along with it anyway.

"You are a bad influence, Owen Harper," Tosh scolded, though the smile on her face gave away the fact that she didn't really mean it. "Theft and vandalism, all in one night?"


kingoftheweevil October 4 2008, 03:35:34 UTC
"Oi! It's not theft!" Owen argued vehemently as they stopped at a light. "It's creative relocation." He half-turned to her, waiting for the light to go green. "And it's not vandalism if it's Ianto. Remember that, Tosh."

The light flashing green, Owen continued forward, only instead of heading to Ianto's house or the nearest lawn-gnome facility, he turned back onto the street leading to Tosh's flat.


geniustoshiko October 6 2008, 23:12:47 UTC
For as often as she had hoped this moment might happen, Tosh had never really let herself imagine it in too much detail, figuring that- in case it ever did- she wouldn't be disappointed by her fantasies.

Now that Owen was here, though- kneeling before her, half-dressed, and removing her boots- Tosh knew that anything she might have imagined would not have even come close to what she was feeling right now.

She didn't take her eyes from him for a moment, and as soon as her shoes were off she leaned down, threading her right hand through his hair and drawing his face towards her for another kiss.


kingoftheweevil October 7 2008, 03:19:58 UTC
It was no great secret that Owen fantasized. Him and Suzie. Him and Gwen. Gwen and Suzie. And yes, occasionally the naughty thought did include Tosh, but never like this. Never so intimate. So close. So perseveringly romantic.

She kissed him and he took the opportunity to slide the forgotten shirt off his shoulders. Fingers ghosting over her collarbones, Owen pushed the unwrapped dress down her arms, her bare skin feeling pale and softer than he imagined under his fingers.

He guided her onto her back with an insistent kiss and a urging hand on her waist, himself moving atop the bed with a knee on either side of her, still wearing pants but of the notion that he wouldn't be for much longer.


geniustoshiko October 8 2008, 00:15:49 UTC
Though it was clear to both of them that Owen was going to be the dominant one in all this, Tosh was by no means being passive. She kissed him back with equal fervor, her hands running over his arms and shoulders (though she was avoiding the gaping scar on his chest).

And though her focus was on Owen, her brain couldn't help but flash back to the last time she'd been with someone- Tommy. The two men couldn't be more different, and though Tosh had enjoyed Tommy's sweetness, she was finding that Owen's more forceful approach was exciting her even more.


kingoftheweevil October 8 2008, 00:54:36 UTC
The only thought that repeated itself over and over in his mind was his regret at not having her sooner, the heat of passion and something similar to love clouding his sense. One hand pulled at the neatly-made corner of the bed, halfway undone until he suddenly stopped and broke the kiss to look at her.

Don't let me damage you.

"Are you sure?" It was as belated question as Owen touched her face gently before his hand slid away to cup over her bra. But he was serious, the concern written in his eyes. Tosh spelled perfection, every line of her encrypted purity and Owen couldn't know that he wouldn't destroy it.


geniustoshiko October 8 2008, 02:13:24 UTC
Some time later, as Tosh lay curled up in Owen's arms, she nearly had to pinch herself, as though this entire evening could have been some insanely vivid dream.

She'd finally seemed to get her pounding heart back to a normal pace, and leaned forward to kiss Owen again, smiling, but having no idea at all what to say.


kingoftheweevil October 8 2008, 02:25:45 UTC
Oh it had been fabulous. Sex with the actual emotion involved; it was a singular experience.

He returned the tired kiss, moving a hand to the back of her head. With his other hand, he pulled up the blanket higher over her back, an oddly gentle motion to make sure she stayed warm as he smiled.

"...well then."


geniustoshiko October 8 2008, 02:32:47 UTC
Apparently, Owen didn't know what to say, either, which caused Tosh to blush a little, though she was hoping he couldn't tell in the dim light.

"Indeed," she answered, still smiling and lightly brushing her fingers through a bit of his hair. She snuggled a bit closer as he drew up the blanket, delighted by the small gesture.


kingoftheweevil October 8 2008, 02:43:13 UTC
Tosh didn't break. The world was still turning. He hadn't made her cry. By all accounts, this had gone swimmingly. A distant part of him said that of course it was going well now. They wouldn't destroy one another until later.

"You're good. You know that?" Owen laughed a little as he brushed hair out of her eyes. "Not at all what I imagined." Which meant he had imagined.


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