Same faces, different places.

Sep 18, 2008 22:10

Who: Buffy, Spike, and Lorne
What: Time for a chat
Where: A bar
When: Thursday night
Rating: PG-ish, depending on Spike's language
Status: Incomplete and closed

It was really quite amazing what a shower, a few nights' rest, and a change of clothes could do for a man. Of course, being healed by a witch and spending quality time with an old flame (not to mention fanning said flames) also helped. He didn't have the money for a new jacket, but Spike contented himself with wearing a black pullover sweater and dark trousers. As far as he knew, he didn't exactly have anyone to impress. At least, not with his clothes.

Immediately going straight for the bar and ordering a whiskey sour, Spike kept an eye out for Buffy or any other familiars. While he would've never referred to himself as being skittish, he was still worried about becoming too comfortable anywhere after what happened to him in L.A. Trying not to think too hard about it, he grabbed his drink and headed for a table that was both somewhat private and from where he could keep an eye on the door.

spike, lorne, buffy summers, *status-complete

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