Who: Nobody Owens and Neil Perry
What: A different sort of late-night rendezvous
Where: 221B Baker Street
When: Thursday night, probably late
Why: ...it's a mystery!
Bod had fallen asleep on the sofa, barely an hour past dinner-- and soundly asleep, too, which was odd for him. Usually, it was easy enough to poke him awake and steer him in the direction of bed, but tonight, he was dead to the world. And it was easy to assume that eventually he'd wake up, discover he wasn't actually where he ought to be, and go to bed properly, which was why he stayed on the sofa, covered with the warm woolen afghan and the table lamp turned on low.
But that night, when Neil had fallen asleep, in his dreams he found himself on a street in an unfamiliar town, walking alongside a high brick wall topped with a spike-topped iron railing. The spire of what might have been a chapel poked itself towards the sky, amidst the tall trees that grew beyond the wall. At the gate, he could stop and peer inside-- it was a Graveyard, built on the top of a hill, with paths that wound all around it. It was an old, quiet, still sort of place, with some of the headstones tumbled and the grass tall and overgrown in places. Though the light was fading quickly, the gate was still unlocked, and slightly ajar. It was easy enough to slip inside.
There was no one about. Aside from a slight breeze that hinted at spring, and the quiet hooting of an owl in one of the nearby trees, there was no sound, no movement to mar the perfect tranquility of the place. Following the path down to the old, padlocked chapel, however, he happened upon a figure sitting on the bench beside it. It was Bod-- though he looked a little younger than he was used to seeing him, maybe about twelve. He rested his arm on the back of the bench, and his head on the crook of his elbow, and even though he didn't move as Neil approached, somehow Neil could tell that he noticed him, and was watching him come closer.
At length, Bod lifted his head and looked up at him. "You look familiar to me," he said, watching him intensely. "Have we met before?"