They Say Time Lords Have Two

Feb 14, 2011 23:21

Who: The Master and ? the Doctor? open?
What: A Valentine's Day gesture
When: Now (night)
Where: Wherever it is the Doctor lives
Rating: L is for the way you look at me
Status: Incomplete?

There was a heart on the step to the Doctor's current abode. It was heavy and plump with half-coagulated liquid, glistening in the reflected street light. It had trailed something slimy as it landed and smeared on the top of the step, viscera or extracellular fluid or putrefaction.

It was still (well actually, once again) beating, all on its own, pumping blood right back into itself in an atypically self-contained way. Such was the Master's genius. Child's play, really, a party trick, a novelty item, like the garish little red and pink plastic ones made in China the humans might buy and give away. The sentiment was--more or less--the same.

The heart was very large and clearly not human, because the Master wasn't looking for a fight, and anyway that would have been a waste. It was a bit scarred and somewhat the worse for wear, but then, it had travelled a very roundabout path to the Doctor's step, so that was, the Master thought, understandable.

And more interesting than chocolates or flowers.

the doctor, the master

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