Good Deed of the Day

Dec 04, 2010 18:17

 Who: Tim Drake, Nobody Owens and Open!
What: Performing his civic duty and then checking out town
Where: The Police Station and the about town
When: Early Afternoon
Rating: PG
Status: Open , Incomplete

As much as Tim would have enjoyed literally dropping in on the police station like he and Bruce used to back in Gotham, the fresh, squeaking crunch of another inch of snow made him glad to be bundled in a thick knit sweater, down coat and new boots. Fingers shoved deep in in puffy pockets (as nice as it was of Zee to lend him the money and as much of it she had he still felt a little bad about spending it-- they were still technically strangers) he shouldered his way into the small but cozy police station. He was immediately confronted with a severe older woman with a glare to match any of the weirdos and crazies Tim had faced as Robin.

"Um, excuse me, I have an incident to report, is there a detective I can speak to?"

For no reason at all it seemed, the older woman slammed both hands against her keyboard, as though Tim had walked in scraping his fingers against a chalkboard, her features contorting in a wincing sort of rage. Wrenching a filing cabinet drawer open she smacked a form and pen in front of Tim with what he was certain was a rolling sort of snarl and nothing else.

"I think this is a little more urgent than--

"OWENS!" The woman suddenly bellowed, forcing Tim to cringe a little and snatch the pen and start filling out the form as instructed. There was some sort of exchange going on behind the front desk, and when he looked again there was a much younger man standing at what could only be called a safe distance from the older woman.

"Here you go," Tim said to the younger man, handing him the form, "and look, I appreciate that you guys go by the rules and all, but I really don't think this can wait. Someone was trying to sabotage the train station the other night." Better to just come out with the truth, even if it meant them thinking he was absolutely nuts.

wesley crusher, nobody owens, james tiberius kirk, harry potter

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