
Oct 21, 2010 11:39

 Who: Wesley Crusher, Dok, Alucard and James Kirk
What: A few threats are followed doesn't end well
When: October 21st, just after dark
Where: An empty street in town
Rating: R for violence, language and Alucard being a creeper
Status: Closed/Incomplete

That trap we call a peaceful dream, let it lure us to the inferno.... )

wesley crusher, alucard, james tiberius kirk, dok

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Re: 2/2 shut_up_wesley October 26 2010, 14:47:51 UTC
It was a unique element to their relationship that Wesley understood that it would take Dok a very, very long time, if he ever truly did, to believe that he deserved to be as happy as anyone else. Until then, Wes had decided that he was just contented enough to bask in that expression of pure, heartfelt amazement and joy that the older man gave him. Because, when he boiled it down, Wes simply loved the way Dok would smile at him in moments like those.

So when the cat appeared, Wes didn't pay it a second glance for two reasons--the first was that he was still distracted by the gentle squeeze to his hand and controlling the blush it brought, the second was that creatures with more than the requisite two eyes didn't phase him as much as someone raised in an era of interplanetary travel.

However, the sudden change in the silence between them from content to terrified could only mean one thing...

'Hell, and the protein decompiler isn't finished!' it was so close, too...he could see in his mind's eye mostly welded, needed only two more critical component parts. Terror lanced through every inch of Wesley's body as he kept his only mere two eyes trained on the strange, diabolic creature. As much as his instincts were telling him to do as Dok said, the idea of leaving the older man alone to face the monster wasn't one he could live with.

Wes had enough of standing still. He'd stood still when The Borg had taken Captain Picard, he'd stood still and kept his mouth shut after the training accident at Starfleet Adacemy, and when Starfleet brass had attempted to politically bully The Captain out of his command.

Never again.

Ignoring the quaking tremble of his hands, Wes reached into his bag and took out his phaser--it was still modified for The Borg, tuned to the higher end EM frequencies. As a result, it was effectively stuck on maximum setting. There was enough power there to melt through over ten inches of reinforced steel. Even if he missed by a fraction, the explosion would certainly give them time to get away.


bloodarthsis October 26 2010, 23:30:36 UTC
The phaser obliterated part of the creature's skull, making it fall to the ground. A good clean hit.

And the devil chuckled, and the sound is as the belling of Gehenna. An infernal chuckle that came from nowhere until it's source stepped out of the shadows. The No Life King himself, Alucard.

The cat turned into crawling centipedes that skittered over to Alucard, returning to the confines of his shadows. The vampire smirked.

"It's been a while, Dokter. A long while, hmn? Thirty years, even."

The vampire stepped forward, his every step as ominous as the next. His red eyes examined Dok and Wes. Quite the duo they were. Quite the duo. Alucard continued to eye Wes, looking him up and down before he did the same with Dok. He walked over to Dok, getting close to his face.

"A fine boy you've found, Dr. Mengele. Tell me, have you two consummated your relationship yet?"

Alucard grinned a sinister mouthful of sharp teeth.


ridokulous October 26 2010, 23:59:08 UTC
Dok stood wide-eyed as Wes drew the phaser, unable to say or do annything before it was fired.

As they waited for the dust to clear, he spoke nervously. "That...wasn't running," he managed in a moment of amazement.

Of course, he wasn't too surprised that the phaser only served to take off part of the vampire's skull without impeding him in the least.

The closer he got, the tighter Dok squeezed his partner's hand -- more out of unbridled frustration than fear -- until he realized his grip was almost painful, at which point he laxed immediately.

He could feel rage well up inside him every time those damnable eyes shifted over to Wes before he finally had enough of it and used their linked hands to pull himself in front of the boy.

"It hasn't nearly been long enough," he spoke with muted rage, not flinching for an instant as Alucard got closer and closer.

The words that followed would have made him blush under any other circumstances, but he had already shifted seamlessly into that state of fearless confidence. So it was no surprise that when Alucard grinned, so did Dok.

"It would figure that your mind is so limited that you would assume something so crass. If only I could blame the fact that you just got half of your head taken off by that boy," he smirked, the last word laced with a scathing undertone; a dare to refer to Wes that way again, blue eyes that were usually clear and full of warmth now smoldering with a dark sort of challenge.

The hand that was now behind him shifted to run a thumb over his partner's palm; a comforting gesture though they stood before the Devil himself. If he was intent not to leave, at least Dok would make sure he wasn't the one that was hurt.

Though, with the feelings of challenge overcoming him as they were now, he was afraid of what he might be able to be pushed to do in front of someone that he actually loved, which would hurt far worse than any bullet.


shut_up_wesley October 27 2010, 03:02:18 UTC
"I'm not going to leave you. I'm not leaving anyone, ever again." Wes spoke, his words hushed as fear battled with self preservation. He could feel his hands slicking and his grip on the phaser falter as the monster inched closer, closing the gap between him and Darkness Made Flesh. He knew Dok was furious but if he honestly expected Wes to run and abandon him to the fight...the doctor obviously hadn't been paying very good attention in the last few months.

And then, Wes felt those eyes on him--for a brief moment it was as though the million centipedes Alucard summoned back to him were skittering under his clothes. There was nothing in that gaze, nothing but the desire to defile and pervert everything that Wes cherished....

Although Dok's grip was painful for a moment, he barely flinched, beyond the terror there was a strange sort of calm...though good luck figuring out if it was Wes' doing or the demon's.

"What are you--?!" Wes hadn't expected the older doctor to block his shot entirely--what was he thinking?

"Let me get a clear shot." Wes whispered, wanting desperately to avoid having Dok do something he knew he'd regret--not attack Alucard--but show how far he was willing to go to protect Wes. "There's a hydrant right near him." wes continued, mind working faster than he thought possible. One bag that Dok had dropped contained a gallon of vegetsble oil. "if I can aim well enough, I can throw the vegetable oil over the hydrant, blow them both and we can get away. Just let me have another shot." It pained Wes to think that their only choice would be to fight-- he'd vowed a long tie ago to do everything he could to save Dok from that.


bloodarthsis October 27 2010, 03:15:59 UTC
Alucard chuckled darkly. His deep voice rumbled as he continued to eye Dok.

"I've always enjoyed getting my head blown off at least once a day, hmmmnhmnmn," The vampire purred, a long gloved index finger pushing Dok's chin upwards. The vampire examined him as a potential buyer would to a new horse.

"I see the war has been kind to your exterior, Doktor. A pity all those years of therapy couldn't do anything to erase the memory of that little cat, hmn? Speaking of which, Schrodinger says hiiiiiii," Alucard hissed out the last word, his cold breath on the Doktor's cheek.

Alucard looked down at Wes, his red eyes looking over the boy again before he turned back to Dok, grinning like the insane man that he was.


ridokulous October 27 2010, 03:40:24 UTC
Dok couldn't help a small, distant, defeated smile as he heard his partner say he wasn't leaving. Even though he knew it would be for the better, he also knew there was no use in trying to convince the younger man of that, because of how true the inverse always was.

"Damn it all. I really do love you..." he thought with a bittersweet shift of their fingers against one another's.

Of course, his sudden reposition was a little more than making sure Wes couldn't take another shot -- it was protecting him from that defiling gaze. Every moment that Alucard's eyes lingered on the one he loved, Dok became more furious; outraged and sickened by the undertone of something so simple.

The hatred in his eyes as his chin was taken up was palpable, but it was a motion that he allowed as he inconspicuously let go of Wesley's hand to let him do as he pleased now that the vampire seemed distracted enough with him.

Dark blue eyes narrowed in distaste at his words, his shoulders tensing to the point that he was distantly worried they'd break beneath the strain. "The cat wasn't my worst memory; only the most annoying," he clarified.

Though he did shudder at the breath against his cheek, tensing even more as he knew that gaze had settled on Wesley again.

Without a second thought, he reached back and pulled the vampire's head back by his hair, insistently locking their gazes again. "Alucard..." he began with a small smirk, "Don't you know how terribly rude it is to direct your attention away from your target? How disappointed that master of yours would be with your lack of manners."


shut_up_wesley October 28 2010, 04:35:53 UTC
A lick of fearful rage burned in Wesley's chest as he watched the vampire's fingers reach out slowly--the touch of a lover--only to grip Dok's chin. The feeling surprised him for how out of place it seemed with the situation. Terror, anger, both were expected, but jealousy?

'This is your chance if you're taking it, Crusher.' He'd had to get behind the hydrant now thst Alucard had moved so close, and that risked his impromptu fireball catching Dok as well. 'Wouldn't be the first time you drug him to the hospitsl, and better fried than dead.'

Moving swiftly, and with no small amount of grace, the young engingeer ducked, reached for the gallon of vegetsble oil with one hand and pulled it to him. In one fluid movement he jumped and rolled in the street, could feel the pavement skinning his hands as he did--but less than a few seconds later he was behind the hydrsnt at a good enough angle to fire. gritting his teeth as his hands stung madly, Wes flung the oil at the hydrant and fired.

"Dok, get out of here, go!" a spout of firey water and dark, billowing smoke obscured Wes' vision and he could feel the air heating briefkly around him as he turned to run back in the direction of the craft shop. If he and dok were lucky, they'd meet after Alucard had stopped looking for them.


bloodarthsis October 28 2010, 05:12:29 UTC

This was interesting.

The blast had singed a good portion of Alucard's arms off. The vampire grinned, his red eyes practically glowing as his arms regenerated.

The conversation with Dok would have to wait. The No Life needed to punish the boy for being so rude for interrupting his conversation. Then comes the belling of a thousand thousand hellish, blood drenched hounds, frothing from the seething blackness that is the No Life King. They were already on Wes' scent, chasing the boy.

"It appears our conversation will have to wait for another time, I believe I just found my next meal," Alucard mused from the fires, "Auf Wiedersehen."

And then he was gone.


ridokulous November 9 2010, 05:52:02 UTC
A split second after he heard Wes speak, Dok had forcibly pushed Alucard away from him and toward the fire. Luckily, the blast only caught the upper portion of one of his arms. Unluckily, he'd lost sight of Wesley in the confusion.

Of course, what he did see was nothing short of sickening. His heart dropped to his stomach as he saw the hounds bound off in one direction and found himself frozen with the realization of what -- no, who -- they were chasing before Alucard could even speak.

When the vampire's voice returned with mention of a meal, Dok's paralysis instantly subsided, replaced instead by a blinding fury that drove him to move before he even realized.

"Like hell you have," he nearly growled under his breath. Alucard may be gone, but Dok knew which way he was headed, and he made no attempt to hide his urgency to follow them.

As things were, though, he knew he'd likely need backup. After a quick moment of thought, he reached into his coat pocket as he ran and dialed Kirk's number.

His heart raced, his stomach churned, and everything inside him was hoping that Kirk would be there.


notyomammaskirk November 9 2010, 06:20:08 UTC
Kirk had finally settled into life in the 21st century. Or at least, he was starting to find the good things. One of which, was this particular formulation of Coca-cola. Like many things in his time, Coke he'd come to know was a reconstruction based on archeological finds, paperwork and a fair amount of guess work. The original, the original was far better.

Unfortunate that it wasn't going to survive the Eugenics Wars and World War III in it's current incarnation.

Dok and Wes were out picking up supplies, which, was obviously their euphemism for going somewhere else and doing something dirty. He didn't care. Let them have their fun.

Kirk had finally settled into the chair and turned on one of the many college football games that seemed to be the norm at this time of year. He found the current incarnation of the sport fascinating and he wished it had survived. He'd seen it played by reenactors but the real thing, the real thing was wonderfully insane.

Then, his phone rang. "Kirk," he said perfunctorily, more interested in the magnificent sack an offensive lineman had delivered to the quarterback.


ridokulous November 10 2010, 09:00:28 UTC
Dok's heart caught in his throat in a moment of overwhelming relief to hear Kirk's voice on the other end of the line.

"Oh thank God," he muttered, his voice strained from running as fast as he was. "Kirk, it's Dok -- I need you. It's Alucard. He caught Wesley and I on our way home from the store and..." he trailed off, his whole body feeling leaden to consider what was happening. His breath caught in gasps of subtle hyperventilation as he searched the streets. "God damn it, I can't find them. I think they're headed your way. The last time I saw anything, it seemed like they were headed to the house next to your--"

Just then, three very clear, very close shots rang out, causing a sudden jolt through his body that made him drop the phone. Unable to allow himself to turn back and retrieve it, he broke out into a full-on sprint in the direction of the shots, a deep pit of dread in his stomach.

"God, please don't let me be too late..."


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