Less doctoring and more just freaking out.

Sep 01, 2010 21:15

Who: Dok and Wesley Crusher
When: Literally fifteen minutes after Wesley's post
Where: Wesley's house
What: Checking in and making sure that time lapse isn't something worse.
Rating: R for "Ruh roh".
Status: Closed, incomplete

I'm trying hard to breathe. )

wesley crusher, dok

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ridokulous September 2 2010, 04:52:33 UTC
Dok couldn't help a light chuckle at the comment about exams. "I suppose that's true enough," he admitted, seeming to relax a little at that.

A moment later, his hand rested at his friend's jawline, tilting his head back just slightly enough that his eyes would better reflect the light of a nearby fixture. And just like that, those clear, blue eyes seemed to focus with an unparalleled intensity. It was much the same as the look that overcame him when he was focused on very intricate microsurgery, and every bit as important.

A long while passed as he searched his friend's eyes with a meticulous tirelessness. Every single facet of color, every shade, every streak where dark brown changed flawlessly into light brown was thoroughly examined. Distantly, it felt like he was memorizing the patterns before him; filing them away to review at a later date. Even more distantly, he would have found himself contented at that thought if he could have afforded to dwell on it.

As it stood, however, he was completely engrossed. So engrossed, in fact, that he didn't realize exactly how easily an outside spectator could misinterpret their position. Still, he wouldn't have cared. As it was, they were alone, anyway, so it wouldn't have mattered. Even if they weren't, this was worlds more important than any appearances could ever hope to be.

Dok was a very laid back man a majority of the time, but in both matters of medicine and matters where Wesley was concerned, he became very prone to tunnel-vision. When those two things intersected, as they did now, there were times when the room itself seemed to disappear around the task at hand.

It took him a little longer than he'd expected, but eventually he finished the thorough examination and, the moment he did, it would have been obvious in his own eyes. In an instant, they shifted from clear and focused to soft and relieved.

"Thank God," he murmured, unable to stop himself from leaning down to hug his friend. By then, he had started shaking again, both from the overwhelming crash after an adrenaline rush and the tears that had started falling apparently by themselves. His grip tightened just a little, as though he was terrified to let him go, his voice echoing in a strained, broken whisper.

"Thank God."


shut_up_wesley September 2 2010, 13:35:07 UTC
Looking back, Wesley barely remembered blinking, he was so captured by his friend's eyes and the overwhelming importance of this last task as they focused on him. The blue seemed to harden, like watching a lake freeze and melt again in time lapse.

Maybe Wes even blushed a little since, alone or not, it was impossible to ignore both the intimacy of the moment and the absolute love with which this last exam was conducted.

And maybe, he was a little afraid. Oddly enough the longer Dok took the more nervous Wesley became, as it sunk in just how well the people who might have done something to him could hide their work. For the briefest moment before Dok finally breathed a sigh of relief real fear shifted through Wesley's dark eyes.

"Hey, hey I told you I'm fine." Wes assured him, one cheek pressed against the older man's chest as he gripped him snuggly. When Wes could finally look up and see that Dok was crying his immediately instinct was to brush a hand against his face the way he had in the hospital what felt like ages ago. "The tricorder would have picked up any blood abnormalities or implants." He assured the older man, not bothered by the fact that he hadn't quite released him yet.

"I'm not going to disappear if you let me go, I promise." Wes said gently, hands moving from being linked around Dok's back to just lightly holding on to either side of his shirt. "Okay?" A slightly smile curved at the corner's of Wesley's mouth-- he understood Dok's fear well enough but he also needed the man to understand that--for now--everything was alright.


ridokulous September 15 2010, 04:06:29 UTC
"I-I know..." he admitted sheepishly, moving one of his hands to cradle the one that had just come from his face, resting his forehead against the top of his friend's head as a final flood of tears fell from his closed eyes. "I'm just terrified that they've mutated it into something that I can't pick up on and I just..." he trailed off, tightening his grip for only a moment, "I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you because of me."

It was kind of all he could do to live with himself as it was, really.

He stood there for a short moment afterward, trying to compose himself before he did, begrudgingly, pull away. "Ah, I'm sorry..." he laughed nervously, a hand coming up to wipe away a few stray tears.

To be wholly honest, it would take him a while to truly believe that everything was alright, but he had little choice other than to try to marginalize his worry in the meantime, based on the evidence.


shut_up_wesley September 15 2010, 04:18:26 UTC
Through Dok's admitted fears, Wes simply found himself shaking his head and smiling serenely. He'd come to a conclusion a long time ago with Dok; one that he could never back off from.

"Even if they had, you created it...you know how to stop it." Wes' voice was calm, unhurried, and he looked his friend directly in the eyes again. "And nothing can convince me otherwise." The words were spoken with such ease and confidence it was as though Wes were born knowing them.

"Now what about you? Are you okay? Not dizzy, not having trouble waking up?" Wes went through the most noticeable symptoms of when he'd found him that day. "Unusual heart palpitations that don't have anything to do with stress?" As he spoke, Wes slipped the tricorder out of a hidden spot in the cushion. He'd chosen that spot exactly for this. Popping the scanning module out of the unit, a slender hand waved it around Dok's tall form.

"Well, everything checks out here." He said in a kind of teasing 'you're not the only one who gets to be a doctor' sort of way.


ridokulous September 21 2010, 05:14:10 UTC
It was, in fact, the confidence with which his friend spoke that widened the doctor's eyes. He still...really doubted that. This was immortality they were dealing with -- eternity. It wasn't something that could be undone once the chip had been implanted. But, the ease with which he spoke actually could have caused Dok to doubt that.

Well, that and the fact that Wesley freaking Crusher had that kind of confidence in his abilities was kind of flooring.

He gave a shaky smile that said he still had his reservations, but he conceded. How could he not?

Taking a quick stock of his own reactions when he was asked, he thought back to earlier that day. "Ah...I've been a little dizzy, but I'm decently sure that that's just nerves. The same with the palpitations and shakiness, and I can't remember having much trouble waking up," he responded dutifully, unable to hide his smile shifting from shaky to outright shy. Something about Wes having the forethought to have a tricorder nearby and caring enough to want to doctor him caused the older man to breathe a light chuckle as he brushed a few strands of hair behind his ear. There was a warmth that washed over him to think of how nice it felt to be a patient in the care of someone as loving as Wes always was.

Well, there was also the fact that he always kind of squeed a little inside to see Wes showing his doctor side ♥

"Thank you, doctor," he said, his tone equally teasing, before sitting down beside his counterpart on the couch. Finally being off his feet felt good, but being in close proximity to Wes felt even better after being so worried. Just knowing that he was there...that he was human...

After making sure the tricorder was put away, he reached for one of Wesley's hands, linking their fingers in an unspoken gratitude. A bashful hint of a smile passed him; a voiceless thanks reflected in eyes that had lightened a few shades since the last time they met the dark ones before him.

A moment later, he sighed, leaning back and staring up at the ceiling. "Well. Heart attacks aside, how as your day?" he asked before offering a light squeeze to the hand in his.


shut_up_wesley September 21 2010, 16:50:09 UTC
Smirking a little as Dok thanked him, Wes returned the small squeeze the older man gave him, thinking nothing of the action in general--the two had developed a sort of comfortable lack of all personal space for the last few months, beginning with Dok's time in the hospital. Things like this were easy, companionable.

"You're welcome," he said, leaning back a little with Dok to see what was so interesting about the ceiling. There was still evidence of a few experiments and projects that hadn't gone as planned--paint peeling back due to exposure to extreme heat and little black streaks of soot stood out like the paw prints of some strange three legged animal.

"Well," Wes turned his eyes back to level ground again. "I'm still running the ravine sensors through the analyzer program I set up, but the initial data is pretty surprising even for here. I think that theory of mine about how this place is the center of some massive temporal-spacial distortion isn't a theory anymore. There's tryalic radiation everywhere. I think...if I can find a way to test it, the ground will be saturated too. There's certain soil types that hold it better than others. If I didn't know better I'd say this town was here because it could handle all of this quantum distortion." It had been a theory for quite some time actually-- that whoever was responsible for the artifacts in the ravine had put them there for a reason. "The thing is, and I've been thinking about this. The Doctor told me a long time ago that physics all over this universe are distorted, things just don't act like they should. It could be that, for as wonky as they make everything, the artifacts in the ravine are what hold this whole place together. Every time there's big event, the ravine and the artifacts work as counter measures stabilizing everything around them. So, we blame the ravine for everything, but maybe it's just the universe and we've been pointing the finger in the wrong direction. In which case, maybe we need to bolster the artifacts somehow."

The problem with that, and what Wes didn't voice, was the strange reading Spot had gotten when he completely disobeyed Dairine and ran off into the park. He said he hadn't been able to identify what it was, but if it was the phantom third artifact, Wes has a theory about that as well and not one he liked-- they were breaking down.

"Of course, without a lab, it's all wild conjecture, but I couldn't sit here and not try to work out why this happened." He sighed, looking at the ceiling again, his hand not leaving Dok's. "Oh! And I, umm..." A slight blush came across Wes' cheeks suddenly.

"I was going through the fridge and I don't remember you making a cake for me, but...I can't think of anyone else good enough to do it. It must have been beautiful, there were berry truffles and I think...strawberry fondant. Does that...ring any bells?"


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