Is this Heaven?

Aug 31, 2010 14:20

Who: Clarice Ferguson & OPEN to Lulu, Moira, or any visitors
Where: The Lulu/Moira/Clarice residence
When: August 31
What: Massive confusion

Clarice Ferguson was dead to begin with. At least that was what she believed.

The last thing she remembered was throwing herself into the winds, feeling the tsunami of her power crash over her head, tearing Harvest to pieces and herself along with it.

....i... i can't... feel.... anything....

Her last coherent thought had been to wonder what came next. She believed in Heaven, wanted to believe she would go there despite being a mutant - even despite having used her powers to kill, not just once, but twice now.

Was this Heaven?

She'd woken in a strange bed, no longer dressed in the crawly techno-organic mesh of the Phalanx but in cute cotton pajamas she didn't recognize. Maybe... she'd been rescued? Maybe Mr. Banshee had pulled her out? But the photos - the walls of the room were decorated with photos of strangers. Mostly two blonde girls, one tall and one shorter, and a boy a few years older than herself. Some others. None of them with visible mutations.

What beat all was that she was in the photos, too. In some of them she even looked a bit older, her hair growing out of its spikiness. And... she was smiling. Smiling with them. They were smiling with her.

Maybe it was Heaven after all. In Heaven, would she... could she maybe have... friends?

In a daze, she'd wandered through the house, half looking for the photo people, half afraid she would find them. At some point she realized that she was being followed by a bundle of curly black fur, which began wagging its fluffy tail as soon as she looked at it.

"Hello," she whispered, and it wriggled happily, looking expectant. Whirling around, it bounded away from her, and she followed like Alice following the White Rabbit.

clarice ferguson, !open, moira byrne

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