Tigers, oh my.

May 26, 2010 23:24

Who: Felix & Tiger and D
What: "Well now what do I do?"
When: Evening of the 26th
Where: Felix's apartment
Rating: Highish?

Felix watched the tiger pace the room. He was surprised that it had been so quiet and hadn't really tried to eat him the past couple of nights. In fact he'd started to grow to like its presence. It really acted more like a person than an animal, and was otherwise just a really big cat. Felix was actually becoming more comfortable in its presence. Happier, even.

It felt nice to have another presence around the house -- the way Kara had been. (Come to think of it, it was rather like Kara to behave like an animal.) And it made the apartment feel more lived-in -- to hear sounds or footsteps in the other room.

Though...there were times Felix was sure that the footsteps sounded more human than animal...

count d, felix gaeta

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