Who: Donna Noble and ... [Open!]
What: Look out Canada, here comes Donna
Where: Main Street
When: Morning, March 28th
It was sort of on a whim that Donna even decided to visit this particular part of Canada. She wasn't sure why, but after she had touched down in the country of maple and ice hockey, something told her to go adventuring. Didn't even let her check into the hotel! Well, whatever that something was, anyway. The ginger haired woman liked to think that it was herself finally taking the bull by the horns and doing something.
All of her life, Donna had been waiting. And now, finally, the waiting seemed to be paying off. There was Sean, who really was a good guy, and her Gramps. And Mum. But the latter two kept watching over her, like they knew something that Donna did not. It was odd. To say the least. Also odd was the way that they had all encouraged her to go to Canada to begin with. But she had a weird, nutters sort of family. Shaking it off, she paid the taxi driver (with a small enough snit about the price being highway robbery) and was standing on what looked to be the main street of this very small little town.
"Aternaville. Certainly an odd enough name, then." She said to herself. Then Donna Noble took a breath, the uncertainty on her face quickly moving to bravado. "Well, little town, here's Donna Noble. What do you got for me?" With that question, and suitcase in hand, she headed down the street to see what she could find.