
Mar 22, 2010 04:36

Who: Lily and James Potter
What: seeing her HUSBAND
When: After his journal entry
Where: The hotel.
Rating: O for OMG.

After all this time... )

james potter, lily potter

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prongsy_potter March 23 2010, 21:58:17 UTC
James was still really confused about what was going on. Last thing he remembered, he'd been out getting a drink with Sirius after Auror training then he'd gone home and gone straight to bed, next to his wife. Yet, when he woke up, he was in some strange hotel room, in Canada, of all places and the newspaper on the desk said it was 2010; thirty years after he'd gone to bed.

He knew that time travel was possible, but only with a Time Turner and, he might have owned an Invisibility Cloak, not to mention a pretty spiffing map at one point, but he certainly didn't own a Time Turner.

The only comfort was that Lily seemed to be there too, just not with him, but that would be remedeed soon cause she was on her way.

At the knock at the door, James jumped up from where he was sitting on the edge of the bed and pulled the door open, "Li..." Her name died on his lips as he took in her appearence, which was quite different from how it had been only yesterday, "...Lily?"


lpotter March 23 2010, 22:05:11 UTC
Lily's eyes widened as she saw James at the door. Her James. There was no faking that look in his eyes or the confusion. Her clothes were more modern and she was twenty-three. Last time she'd seen him they were both twenty-one. That age difference was enough, but James looked like he were from a year before that! She wasn't quite sure how she was going to break that news to him, let alone the news that Harry was here, the news that they were in fact in 2010, that Sirius and Remus weren't here anymore, both were dead, Peter's betrayal, their inability to get back to the proper time (not that she wanted to go back to being dead...), or any of the many, many things that she was sure James Potter needed to know ( ... )


prongsy_potter March 23 2010, 22:10:27 UTC
James' hazel eyes were wide as he stared at Lily, she looked a little older and her hair was longer, but there was no denying it was his wife. But why did she look different? And where was Harry? Their son was only a few months old so surely she wouldn't have left him alone. No, Lily would never do that. "Lily, what's going on?" He asked, eyes still wide, not yet having realized that they were still standing in the doorway.


lpotter March 23 2010, 22:17:58 UTC
She let out a small laugh, shaking her head slightly. Lily had missed his voice. She'd missed everything about him. Closing her eyes for a second, she shook her head slightly. "I don't even know where to start." Lily closed the distance between them, hugging James to make sure that he was really there. It was too much to expect her to start with the atrocities before she even gave her husband who she hadn't seen in over a year, who had died the last time she'd been with him, a hug. "I missed you," she murmured quietly. It wouldn't have felt like so long for James, depending on where he'd come from.


prongsy_potter March 24 2010, 01:59:17 UTC
When Lily hugged him, James couldn't not wrap his arms around her waist and hold her tight. Despite her appearence being different, she was still Lily. Her words, however confused him. "Missed me? Lily, I woke you up when I got home to say good night."


lpotter March 24 2010, 02:08:22 UTC
She smiled, burrowing her head into his shoulder. "When was it, last time you were? A lot's happened since you managed to go to sleep and wake up here." Lily pulled away slightly, far enough to look at James. "There's a bloody lot you need to know."


prongsy_potter March 24 2010, 04:04:08 UTC
"It was November 15th, 1980." James told her, finally realizing they were standing the doorway and reluctantly released her so he could move into the room, "Why don't we move inside. Unless you wanna go somewhere else." Why was being with his wife awkward?


lpotter March 24 2010, 04:10:37 UTC
Lily let out a small squeak. Way before everything she had to explain. "November 15th, 1980." She shook her head. "Has anyone told you that it's a good ways away from then?" When he mentioned going inside, she nodded. "Yes. Inside. I think you need to sit down." Before she explained that they died, that she was from the night they died and had been here for over a year.


prongsy_potter March 24 2010, 04:17:23 UTC
After Lily came in, James closed the door then turned to look at Lily again. "I saw the newspaper over there, but how can that be? We don't have Time Turners." He wondered what exactly Lily had to explain to him, but since she seemed sincere, he took a seat on the edge of the bed.


lpotter March 24 2010, 04:27:09 UTC
"It's this town," Lily started as she knelt down in front of him. "It manages to pull people in from different time, different places. I'm from eleven and a half months after you are. Tonks is from years after, there are people from the future, bloody Merlin is here. I wish I knew why, but right now I'm glad that you're here, too." Lily felt guilty but she also felt happy. Practically blissfully happy just at seeing him. She didn't want to ruin that with all the bad news she had to dump on him.


prongsy_potter March 24 2010, 04:34:05 UTC
"Eleven..." James stared at her, unsure of exactly what to say to any of the things that she had just told him. If what she was saying was true then she was from 1981, "Tonks?" In his time Tonks was a little girl and had yet to demand to be called Tonks instead of Nymphadora.


lpotter March 24 2010, 04:41:57 UTC
"Sirius' little cousin. Nymphadora?" That was another long story, about how apparently she married Remus and had a kid. Merlin, this was going to be complicated. "You probably remember her as Andromeda's little girl who was a metamorphmagus." Lily paused, wanting this to sink in, because this was only the tip of the iceberg. "There's...there's more." She didn't want to give him information overload, but there were things James needed to know. Lily had been here for eighteen months. A lot can happen in eighteen months. Then there were all the things that happened between when she and James were from.


prongsy_potter March 24 2010, 04:53:38 UTC
"Oh right. I remember her." James couldn't imagine that someone he'd met as a little girl was here and apparently older, "What more could their be? And if you're from eleven and a half months after me does that mean I disappeared?" No wonder Lily had been so happy to see him, he must have disappeared and she had been worried about him. But how could he lose almost a year and not remember?


lpotter March 24 2010, 04:56:48 UTC
She shook her head. "No, you were around when I ended up here. You and Harry both. It's...part of it is about what happened before I ended up here. The other part is what's happened since." Lily frowned. "I'm not sure where to start." Her eyes barely left him the entire time she was talking, afraid that if she broke contact, he'd disappear. But they flitted downward for a long moment when she thought of how she was supposed to tell him about their deaths. "I suppose chronologically is best?"


prongsy_potter March 25 2010, 21:38:02 UTC
James was still quite confused about everything that had happened so far and it'd only been about an hour or so since he'd woken up here. As Lily spoke, he nodded, wondering what she had to tell him that had her so nervous, "Yeah, from the beginning is probably a good idea."


lpotter March 25 2010, 22:39:47 UTC
Lily nodded, leaning back onto her feet and taking a deep breath. "You remember the prophecy?" she asked. "The one Sybill Trelawney told to Dumbledore?" That was as good a place as any to start. Harry had only been a few months old when James was from, not over a year, like Lily remembered. Closing her eyes for a second, she took a look at James before she continued. This was painful for her to even say.

"In the time between when you're from and when I'm from, we had to go into hiding, put a Fidelius Charm on the house, because of Voldemort."


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