(no subject)

Mar 04, 2010 01:04

Who: Ned and Haley Hotchner
What: Still not understanding his new situation
When: Early afternoon
Where: The Pie Hole
Rating: PG
Status: Incomplete

Ned was confused. Admittedly not as confused as some of the people on the online journal things seemed to be. He at least knew where he was, which was important. He remembered moving to Canada and opening the Pie Hole there. He remembered fighting with Chuck though the reasons why were quite fuzzy. But he still didn't feel right. Something was very wrong.

He'd had to go out and buy new fruit for the fruit pies because when he'd arrived in the kitchen the day before, all of his had rotted. Overnight? It was still cool in the shop, the weather outside was still cold, how had it happened? And then there was the dog. A golden retriever, so much like Digby that it had made him fall out of his bed the first time he'd seen him. A stray, perhaps, but the dog seemed quite comfortable in Ned's apartment. He didn't go near Ned, though. That part was strange. While he refused to stray too far from Ned's presence, he didn't get close enough for Ned to actually pet. So far, no one had stepped up and claimed the dog, but Ned didn't mind the company much, even if the dog wouldn't stop following him.

Opening the Pie Hole was something Ned had always loved. And doing so with a golden retriever only a few feet away didn't make that much different. Considering something was apparently very wrong with Kimberly and Olive had been taking care of her off and on, he liked having another presence in the room, even if it was canine. That period after breakfast and before the lunch rush was one of his favorites. It was quiet, but it was nice.

"You know," he told the dog, as he wiped down the counters, "if Health and Safety popped in right now, you'd probably get me shut down." But the retriever merely wagged his tail and curled up in the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room. When the bell rang indicating the door was opening, Ned clammed up instantly. No reason for people to think he was more crazy than he already felt by talking to a dog.

*status-in progress, !au plot, ned, haley hotchner (guest)

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