Catch me as I fall...

Jul 11, 2008 12:51

who: Clarice Ferguson and whoever may want to find a nearly-naked and very distraught girl in a ravine...
what: New arrival
when: Friday, July 11
where: The ravine
rating: PG for implied nudity? (I'm not planning on going into details...)
status: Incomplete

Clarice blinked. Not Blinked, just… blinked, feeling more than usually fuzzy in the brain. Clear, pale blue sky reflected in her clear, pale blue eyes. Where am I? What’s going on? It felt as if she were lying on a huge pile of rocks, but hadn’t she been on a ship? An old, abandoned metal ship, with-

Oh no. No, the Phalanx - Harvest - Paige and the others!

She shot upright so fast it left her head pounding, but even before she got her eyes focused, she knew that where she was now was somewhere entirely different. Outside: she could feel the breeze on her skin and smell trees and old stone in place of iron and grease. And she could hear nothing, no sounds of battle, not even the horrible rasping slither of living metal that had been omnipresent ever since she’d woken up in the techno-organic cell. Only faint birdsong, and that was distant.

Now that she was calming somewhat, she could see that she was sitting at the bottom of a sort of ravine, on (as she’d suspected) a heap of rocks. How she’d gotten here was another question entirely. It couldn’t be another Phalanx ruse, could it? She’d been fooled by Gregor, even if Monet hadn’t; the Covenant knew how to use tricks as well as threats and force. Cautiously, she began to rise.

And froze.

The tickling on her skin wasn’t just the wind. Oh, no. The black techno-organic mesh of her skin-tight body suit was… crumbling. Quickly. And maybe she should have taken that as good news, that the crawly, living mesh seemed to have ‘died’, suggesting that she really was well and safely away from the Phalanx. On the other hand, that left her alone, at the bottom of a ravine with awfully steep-looking walls, God knows where in the world and among what sort of people, and very soon to be naked.

Oh no, no, no…!

Blushing was a difficult trick for a girl with purple skin, but somehow she managed, clutching her arms around herself in a vain attempt to hold the disintegrating mesh in place. Now what was she to do?? There was nothing around here at all - well, a cave a short distance away, but she thought it unlikely that there would be clothing in it, and trying to clamber over to it would surely be the end of what little covering she had left. She could try to Blink herself out, but she had no control over it - she could end up anywhere, or nowhere. She could end up in a worse situation than this, if that were possible. Call for help? And have some stranger find her like this? A mutant, lilac-skinned, pointy-eared, wearing almost nothing - they could scream and throw rocks at her (it wouldn’t be the first time) or just stare until she died of embarrassment, she didn’t know which would be worse! Yet she could hardly climb out, so sooner or later, unless someone found her on their own, she’d have to start calling for help.

“Er… he…hello..?” she called faintly, and frowned. No one was going to hear that. As little as she wanted someone to find her, even less did she want to sit down here until her clothes completely fell apart and she died of exposure or starvation. Drawing a long, slow, deep breath, she braced herself and shouted - in probably the loudest voice she’d used in her life - “Hello, is anyone there? P-please, I need help!”

The volume of her own voice made her jump, and she huddled down further, clasping her knees tight to her chest; if she’d been a cat, her ears would have been flat against her head. Shivering, she bit her lip and hoped fervently that she’d get a good response.

clarice ferguson, lulu spencer, *status-complete, moira byrne

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