Winter Wonderland

Jan 27, 2010 08:35

Who: Aaron and Jack Hotchner and Open
What: A little bonding.
When: Late Afternoon, January 27th
Where: The Park
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG

Returning from the hockey game Morgan had gotten them tickets to, Aaron had expected Jack to be a little more tired or hungry than he was. Instead, upon leaving the train station, Jack had insisted they go to the park, citing a stark lack of snowmen and snow angels. Although no fresh snow had fallen, and the uneven, white ground crunched loudly under-foot, Jack seemed intent on leaving mark somewhere in the vast grounds.  The little boy waded ahead of him, covered head to toe in a dark green snow suit, a belated gift from Jessica when she's heard that his old one no longer fit.

'It''s like he grows every time I'm not looking.' Hotch thought affectionately, watching the pale orange light of the sky seep out over the landscape-- today's sunset would be unusually vibrant for winter.

"Daddy, come here!" Jack called, his back half turned to his father, cheeks rosy from cold.

"In a second Bu--"

paff! A snowball, probably the smallest he'd ever seen, sailed in his direction and just grazed the long, dark over-coat he wore. Jack errupted into a triumphant laugh and scurried away, stopping to scoop up more snow as he went--his arms were so short he had to run back towards Hotch to get a good hit, but he seemed to have a decent arm for itm regardless. Maybe t-ball wasn't such a pipe-dream after all?

Grinning wildly, Hotch packed a ball of snow lightly and sent it sailing--spectacularly--over his son's head.

The battle went on a while longer, two small snow forts having been constructed speedily, mostly the product of under-thrown snowballs, the two laughing against the swiftly fading light. Hotch made a big show of winding up to pitch a rather large snowball, his fingers almost numb but barely caring. Once again, however, Jack's height  proved his best advantage and the throw was off---and hit someone passing by.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Aaron winced a little, the game suspended as he jogged over to apologize. "I should have looked where I was aiming."

kimberly corman, aaron hotchner

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