Oh no you didn't!

Jan 23, 2010 01:43

Who: Integra and Count D (Yeah, it's great already)
Where: Count D's Petshop
When: This afternoon
Rating: PG probably.

You can see where this is going. )

count d, !closed, integra hellsing

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countsweettooth January 23 2010, 07:00:36 UTC
There was an uproar, quite literally, as the doors to the pet shop banged open. Pon-chan leapt up, terrified, before landing and scurrying for cover behind a long couch; leaving rents in the hardwood as she went. Cats fluffed their tails and hissed, looking ready to pounce any moment.

D had been in the middle of setting out the tea service for himself, but at the noise righted himself and glared, affronted, and the raging woman who had just barged in on him.

'The nerve of some people!'

"Excuse me, madam, but I'm afraid there's no one here by that name." Gods help him if it was someone else looking for his grandfather. "If you're looking for my grandfather," D quipped, "although I'm not sure if he ever went by such a name ,"(he had so many, to so many different people) "I'm afraid he isn't here." Honestly, when the old man did finally return, they were going to have a long, long talk about owning up to personal responsibility.


bearerofcrosses January 23 2010, 07:40:19 UTC

Oh, no he didn't.

She did well to cease the rapid thrum in her veins that urged her to run forward and go for his jugular, but she could do little for the twitch that accosted her eye at the title.

'Idiotic miscreant. How dare you use that name.'

And yet, the undertone of amusement that Alucard would normally have was strangely absent. This was jarring -- much more so than his current appearance -- but she didn't let it deter her. He was very convincing when he wanted to be.

"Grandfather? Is that the best you can come up with, Count?" she said, the last word brimming with disgust as she walked up to the table, letting the door close behind her, "I can't believe I've been here nearly a month with no word from you, meanwhile you're here doing this?!" she gestured around to the shop in general, "I knew you hated work, but my God! This is low even for you ( ... )


countsweettooth January 23 2010, 14:37:54 UTC
Part of what saved D's patience was the fact the he was used to both being mistaken for someone he wasn't as well as someone bursting into the shop to scream at him--the elder Orcot brother made an almost daily habit of it when they first met.

He hoped this wouldn't end up like when Alex had found him in San Fransisco. That would be awkward. Nevertheless, D had what he hoped was a proper enough look of complete, irate confusion plastered on his gentle features as he drew up taller to face the woman squarely.

"My dear lady, if I wanted people to burst in off the street screaming at me I wouldn't have left San Fansisco, but I assure you you are mistaken. I am Count D, my family has always owned this pet shop, I have never seen you before in my life. Now if you are looking for my grandfather, or even my father, there is an unfortunately strong family resemblance I'm afraid you're out of luck. Further, the idea that anyone in my family was once a servant to someone like you is frankly insulting and I do not appreciate the accusation ( ... )


bearerofcrosses January 24 2010, 02:18:51 UTC
Father? Grandfather?

The implications of Alucard actually procreating made her head spin so much that she had to steady herself against the table. Good Lord she did well to handle him, much less any offspring.

Which also begged the question of who the child's--

Yeah, she had to stop there before she blacked out.

Returning her attention to the person before her, she gave a rather skeptical look, but what he was saying had begun to sink in, due only to the fact that if it were Alucard, she could feel him. When she marginalized her rage, she felt precisely nothing in the presence of this person.



Well, shit.

Now she felt horribly rude.

"Further, the idea that anyone in my family was once a servant to someone like you is frankly insulting and I do not appreciate the accusation."

These words were a direct hit to her pride, and from that, she almost began a whole new tirade, but she quickly remembered her thought process from mere moments before. She had behaved rather rudely, although that was the effect that ( ... )


countsweettooth January 26 2010, 04:26:48 UTC
Watching the woman carefully, D saw that something he said finally convinced her he wasn't who she was looking for. The young man smiled awkwardly, letting his eyes trail towards where Pon-chan had vanished; if he looked hard enough, there was a patch of shadows that quivered slightly.

"You may have terrified my raccoon into a state of perpetual incontinence." The pet shop owner replied flatly. "In which case, I believe I shall need your name and address for billing purposes when all of my antique Persian rugs are eventually ruined."

"That's mean, Count!" Pon-chan chattered from underneath the couch, sticking her brown fuzzy nose out as if to smell if it were safe again. "You know I try not to do that on purpose."

"Try being the operative word." D retorted, finally speaking to Integra again. "Really, I'm rather more used to it than you might think. While I can't say it's no trouble I've learned to be...understanding, about such mistakes." The awkward smile widened a little. "Now, I don't believe I've gotten your name, madam?"


bearerofcrosses January 26 2010, 14:54:59 UTC
She couldn't help a smile herself at his comment about the raccoon. "I'll gladly oblige to that." It was the least she could do, wasn't it? Besides, Her Majesty would understand if they did get a hefty bill for dry-cleaning, since she'd met Alucard before, and would likely understand the director's rage ( ... )


countsweettooth February 8 2010, 03:54:47 UTC
D slipped a pad of paper out of a heavily embroidered pocket and scribbled a few characters down in a make-shift ledger. While anyone else would have assumed he was joking, it was relieving to see that he wouldn't have to explain that yes, you really can be expecting a bill some time in the next week or so ( ... )


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