Who: Father Mulcahy
What: Christmas sermon
Where: The church
When: Future dated to Christmas Eve
Status: Closed sermon--but if any characters want to socialize post-sermon, they're free to. Unfortunately, Father Mulcahy won't be available--he's busy playing Santa afterwards.
Rating: PG
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And when Baltar began to preach the word...
Well, what little respect Felix had left for that scum of a man evaporated.
In the end, religion just...wasn't in his nature.
Friendship, however, was.
He sat in one of the pews to the middle of the smallish church filled with a generous amount of people as they listened to Father Mulcahy speak. The man had done so much for him, been a good friend and a good ear. Felix didn't think -- no, he knew that it wouldn't have been the same for him if he hadn't found someone to talk to in those days. The lowest days ( ... )
"Hello, Felix!" he said with a smile and a warm handshake. "Thank you for coming! How are you?"
(ooc: River has her christmas post to johnny up, btw)
(OOC: Oops, sorry! I'm on it.)
He rubbed the back of his head. "No, it's...I mean, I don't think I'm from the future. My people have never been to Earth. Earth is -- was a myth from the scrolls, where we came from." He stammered for an explanation, and finally grimaced. "Don't suppose that 'it's a long story' will cover it?"
"There doesn't seem to be any continuity to it," Father Mulcahy said, trying to make sense of the rather confusing situation. "It seems almost cyclical. You were looking for Earth, but if you found it, it may have been a time before now." He considered the problem a minute. "Perhaps 'Earth' is a lasting term that the human race understands as home, regardless of when it's used." He smiled. "But 'it's a long story' will work just fine."
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