My feelings can best be expressed in a song from the hit musical "Evil Dead."

Oct 02, 2009 21:56

Who: Boy and Trod. Toy and Brod. Oy. Nod.
When: IMMEDIATELY after the musical thread.
Where: A broom closet, or the first private place Bod- Troy? Sheesh- can find.
What: Well, what do you think?
Status: Closed (for the moment)

bum bum bum bum WHAT THE F*(#$ WAS THAT?? bum bum bum... )

troy bolton, nobody owens, !body swap

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troyboltonav October 3 2009, 15:07:03 UTC
Troy hadn't quite figured out what had happened to him yet. He'd been standing across the stage, and then he'd felt really dizzy and had been standing somewhere else. But his confusion came to a head when someone who looked exactly like him grabbed him and shoved him into a closet.

"I...what?" Troy stammered, noticing for the first time that he was wearing Bod's clothes. "'re...are you Bod? Am I...what is this?" Yeah, he was a little less than coherent right now.


owingnobody October 3 2009, 18:35:48 UTC
"I don't know." Frustrated, he turned away, pacing the length of the room and back again. He was a little bit shorter than normal, and not entirely sure he liked it; call it one more thing about Troy Bolton that unintentionally got on his nerves. "It's like the universe has it out for me, isn't it! I mean, first Clarice, and then Neil..." He stopped, raking his fingers through his hair. "And now I'm bloody YOU! How am I supposed to be you? I'm not special, or- or wonderful or whatever the hell it is you manage to be!" He threw up his hands, looking at Troy's blank, bewildered expression, made even worse by the fact that it was on his own face. "And you don't even try, do you? It's not even something you THINK about. It's just completely... perfectly... natural." He turned again, wishing there was a chair he could fall into until his legs stopped shaking. He settled for leaning against the nearest wall.


troyboltonav October 3 2009, 19:12:43 UTC
It was very strange for Troy to watch himself having a temper tantrum on the other side of the room. Slowly he put the pieces together. If he was wearing Bod's clothes...and Bod seemed to be wearing his face...then...he must be Bod?

Troy shook his...Bod's...head, bewildered. "What do you mean, first Clarice and now Neil? What are you talking about?"

He had thought, after their first meeting in the graveyard, that he and Bod were friends. So it was surprising to hear how angry Bod was at him. No one had ever been that angry at him before, not even Chad. It felt awful and Troy didn't know how to make it better. Troy flinched a little, trying to think of how to react.

"I...I'm sorry," Troy said, his voice small. "I don't, don't know why you're angry at me...I don't understand what I did..." His voice dropped to a whisper. "I don't know why you're me. I'm sorry."


owingnobody October 3 2009, 19:57:43 UTC
Bod sighed. And sighed again. "I know. I know! None of this is your fault!" He gave Troy-in-his-body a sour look. "You're a very hard person to hate, do you know that?" He looked at the floor, wondering how anyone could handle looking at that face when it was sad. How often did he make that face? It was terrible. He was never going to do it again. "I don't even think it's 'hate', really," he said, a little more gently. "Just... frustration. I don't have a problem dealing with people who are out to get me, or who are small-minded bullies that pick on people smaller than they are, but... but what do I do with you? What do I do when I'm faced with someone who's good at everything, who everyone likes- who even I like, and who somehow ends up with everything I want- just after I realize I want it?" His shoulders slumped. "And now, I'm you. And something tells me it's not going to make one thing better."


troyboltonav October 3 2009, 20:08:54 UTC
Troy nodded. "I'm guessing that it's not your fault either. Since, you know, it seems like the last person you'd want to be is me." He shook his head. "But I don't get it. Why do you want to hate me?"

Troy listened to Bod's explanation, but he was feeling a little lost. What did that mean? Did Bod want him to be...meaner to him? He shook his head. "Bod, I'm not...I'm not good at everything. I'm a person just like you. Believe me, I'm so not perfect."

He paused, trying to gather his thoughts. "I didn't mean to take anything away from you. I mean...if you wanted my part in the play, you've got it now. Because you're me, you know." Bod's earlier mention of Neil clicked in his mind, and Troy gaped in surprise. "Wait a minute. Is that what this is about? Bod, are you...are you in love with Neil?"


owingnobody October 3 2009, 21:24:34 UTC
Bod turned around and looked at Troy. Troy, wearing his face. And wondered where on earth that question had come from. "I-?!" he said. His mouth opened, and closed, and opened again. "What?" For some reason, the question brought about a worse case of shock than being swapped into someone else's body had. It was worse even than being turned into a hamster. How was that question worse than being turned into a hamster?

Because he'd never asked himself that question. And it was a very good one. Was he in love with Neil? And how on earth would he even know?

He decided, instead of answering, to change the topic. Swallowing carefully, he said, "It's interesting that you asked me that before asking about Clarice," he said.


troyboltonav October 4 2009, 00:24:59 UTC
Troy wondered if the other boy hadn't understood. "Is that why you're mad at me? Because you love Neil and you're jealous because I'm in the play with him? Dude, you know we're only acting, right? Neil and I are friends. You can still totally go for it. And you should, if you love him."

To Troy, it was the only explanation that made sense, because why else would Bod be angry with him about Neil? Troy had never told Neil not to be friends with Bod or anything like that. It must be something play-related, had to be.

And also, Troy had forgotten that Bod had said anything about Clarice. He didn't even know Bod knew Clarice. "What do you mean?"


owingnobody October 4 2009, 02:15:36 UTC
It was something that required thought, his brain told him. It was something that he wasn't going to be able to ignore, now that it had been brought to his attention. But he wasn't going to think about it now. He turned his attention, instead, to Clarice. "What do I mean?" he said. "I mean, Clarice saved my life, and by the time I figured out what that meant to me, I turn around and you've already moved in!" He shook his head. "I mean, when I first met you, you were so upset about that girl-- the one who broke up with you? It sure didn't stop you from turning right around and trying to date Clarice!" He started pacing again. "And again, I wish that I could just-- but I can't. You make her happy, for whatever reason, and I can't argue with that." He whirled around and pointed a finger in his face. His own face. "But if you ever. EVER. Make her unhappy. I swear by all that Jane Davenport stands for that we will end you."


troyboltonav October 4 2009, 02:33:03 UTC
"I didn't know that," Troy said. "I didn't even know you knew Clarice! How am I supposed to know everything in your mind and act accordingly, Bod? You're the only one who knows that stuff, and you didn't even bother to tell me! So how could I know?" Yeah, he was a little angry. Bod seemed to think that he had done all this stuff to spite him, and he hadn't even known what was going on with Bod! It wasn't fair to expect him to magically know that ( ... )


owingnobody October 4 2009, 03:36:31 UTC
Bod glowered at Troy. "Well, good," he said. "Fine." He knew he should apologize. He'd just unloaded at least two months' worth of frustration on Troy, even knowing that it wasn't his fault. And Bod knew that it wasn't his fault. But it hadn't helped, hadn't made him feel better, and, worst of all, Troy hadn't even really listened. Oh, sure, he'd picked up every word-- even ones Bod wished he hadn't brought to light-- but somehow, he put them back together in the wrong order, and now Bod felt like the villain. Oh, it wasn't good at all.

He turned around, hit the door, kicked it once or twice, and said something not very nice. Then he heard voices in the hallway. Someone was looking for them. He turned around and looked at Troy, desperately. He didn't know how to fix this. He had no idea what to do. "Look," he said, his voice low. "Maybe I'm angry. And irrational. Sure. And it's not your fault- I already said that, but whatever. It's not important right now. What's important is...what are we going to do about... this?" He gestured to ( ... )


troyboltonav October 4 2009, 04:29:17 UTC
Ordinarily, Troy would've had nothing but sympathy for Bod. After all, having feelings for not one but two different people and being cut off by the same guy? Had to stink. And truth be told, Troy didn't want to be the kind of guy who did that to other guys. In fact, Troy would've apologized and offered to help Bod out. Except for the fact that Bod had, whether he knew it or not, hit several of his sore points. Bod didn't think Troy was a good or worthwhile person? Troy wasn't sure he was either. And bringing up Gabriella was one of the surest ways to hurt Troy, which meant that Troy lashed out even when he shouldn't...and the confession of a hurting friend was definitely a time when he shouldn't. Worst of all, Bod was still angry with him, and Troy was pretty sure he couldn't do anything that would ever make that go away. Troy was genuinely sorry that he'd hurt Bod, but Bod had hurt him too and didn't even seem to know it. Maybe didn't want to know it. Maybe wanted to hurt him ( ... )


owingnobody October 4 2009, 05:16:15 UTC
Bod put his hands over his own face. "Do you even LISTEN to the words people say? Or do you just hear every second one?" He took a deep breath. "I did not say I hate you. I said I wish I could, but you're too damn nice and sympathetic and bloody perfect and it drives me absolutely crazy but I can't hate you for it. You've managed to win Clarice over- I've seen the way she smiles at you- and you make her happy, and I can't hate you for that. You are spectacular to watch on stage, you are talented and wonderful and EVERYONE likes you-- and it's easy to see why, because in spite of everything, I CAN'T HATE YOU!" Practically panting, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not even really angry with you. I am angry because this hardly seems like the time for this to happen! Did you hear what you said a minute ago?? I got your part. Oh, WONDERFUL. I've never been on stage before, never stood in front of an audience, and what happened out there on that stage tonight might have provided me with the most fear I've ever had-- and now I'm to take ( ... )


troyboltonav October 4 2009, 14:40:44 UTC
If Troy could've melted back through the wall, he would have. He heard what Bod was saying and was beginning to get it, but having someone yelling at you in a small, enclosed space? Wasn't fun ( ... )


owingnobody October 4 2009, 16:33:20 UTC
"...oh my God," Bod breathed. It hadn't even occurred to him that other people in the cast might have gotten swapped. This could be a disaster of epic proportions. And really, what a nasty trick to play on a group of people who had been working very hard to put this show together.

There was more shouting in the hall, and Bod pressed his ear against the door. "...I'm going to imagine that more people were swapped," he said slowly. "It's hard to tell how many-- it's pretty noisy out there." He turned around, looked at Troy, all of his anger draining away, replaced with a sort of sick dread. "It probably would be better for you to just play the part in my body, wouldn't it," he murmured. "You've done it already-- and it's your part, after all." He bit his lip. "But I'm afraid of what's going to happen if we walk out that door and tell the director that you're not... you, anymore. I think he might have a nervous breakdown. Can you hear him shouting?" It was the ranting of a hysterical man.


troyboltonav October 4 2009, 16:54:59 UTC
Not much had changed for Troy, really. He was still a guy, after all, even in this body. He was roughly the same age. Yeah, he looked different, but since he didn't spend a whole lot of time looking in mirrors, that probably wouldn't make too much difference.

Troy whistled at the sounds from outside. "Yeah, I'm guessing so too. Wow." He shrugged at Bod's suggestion--he could tell that what Bod was suggesting maybe wasn't what he wanted. Or maybe he was just imagining that, but anyway, he wanted to be fair. "Hey, man, if you want the part, go for it. Seriously." Troy winced at Bod's words, nodding in agreement. "Yeah...he sounds pretty bad out there. I haven't heard him scream like that since the day Sister Chantelle fell into the orchestra pit." Troy shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. "So...are you want me to be you? To pretend to be you?"


owingnobody October 4 2009, 17:56:47 UTC
If anything, Bod looked a little bit more sick when Troy suggested he wanted the part. "I'm sorry, and no offense," he said, "but I never had any designs on the role of Jason. He is... he is a character that I felt I couldn't begin to relate to, y'know? How could I play someone like him?" He shook his head. "And now I've spent weeks figuring out how to play Zack- and he's a very small part, but there was a lot going on there that I had to figure out how to play, and it took a lot of my attention, so no, I don’t really know Jason’s part at all, and I don’t really want to play it.” He sighed. “And if this all gets straightened out before Saturday, then hopefully I won’t have to.” He looked at Troy worriedly. “I mean, how long do you think we’re going to be this way? It can’t last for more than a few days… can it? I wonder if it would be worth it, to pretend to be each other, if it meant everyone would feel a little bit calmer… just for a day or two. And just here.” He bit his lip. “I wouldn’t want to lie to Clarice. It wouldn’t be fair ( ... )


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