Oh Joy

Aug 24, 2009 14:47

Who: Severus Snape, Harry Potter
What: Harry drops off more of Snape's stuff
Where: Snape's new flat
When: Morning after this exchange
Rating: PG-13
Status: Complete log

Snape had been irritable since his conversation with Potter the night before. Why the mention of his father had set Snape off he couldn't say. Perhaps he'd just been looking for a reason to lash out at Harry. Snape had found himself enjoying their banter and once he realized it, he panicked.

He'd told Lily he had no intention of pursuing her son, but the idea was becoming more tempting by the day.

Snape had told Harry he was going go get something to drink, but in reality he hadn't gone anywhere. He'd just wanted an excuse to stop talking until he had time to think. After a sleepless night, he realized that he still had no answers.

Now it was morning and he was sitting at his kitchen table drinking absurdly strong coffee and refusing to look out the windows. If Potter was jogging past, he didn't want to know about it.

The box in Harry's hands wobbled as he carried it across the freshly cut grass to the door of Snape's flat. Harry hadn't planned on going through the closet in his room early that morning, but he had and found quite a bit he knew didn't belong to him, ever, in any reality based on fabric and size alone. Juggling the cardboard box under one arm, he reached out and pushed the buzzer, hoping it was loud and irritating as buzzers usually were, on the off chance Snape had another hangover.

It'd serve him right.

Snape was so lost in thought that he startled at the sound of the buzzer and coffee spilled over the back of his hand.

If it was someone peddling religion, he just might give them his own personal vision of hell.

Pushing back from the table he went to the door and flung it open wide. "What?" he snapped before realizing it was Potter. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "What do you want, Potter?" he asked tiredly.

Harry gave Snape a quick once over, eyes narrowing as he looked for anything, anything at all to indicate Snape did something stupid the night before and came up empty handed. He found himself oddly relieved. Pushing the box into Snape's hands, he slid in through the door without permission.

"I found some more things that belonged to you," he answered with a shrug.

"Do come in," Snape said sarcastically as Harry pushed past him. Kicking the door closed with his foot, he went to the living room and put the box on the floor. "There's coffee in the kitchen," he grumbled before looking in the box.

There were a pair of shoes, a small portable potions kit and some clothes along with a few other odds and ends. There was also a wool winter coat that Snape held up to look at.

"I wore this?" he asked, making a face. "What was I thinking?"

"I've got one as well," Harry called distractedly, already taking it upon himself to pour a cup of coffee. They had matching jackets. It was almost funny in a stomach ulcer-inducing way.

"Sweet Merlin," Snape murmured, appalled at the very idea. Not only had he been shagging Potter, but they wore matching clothing like love sick Hufflepuffs! They had obviously been touched in the head.

"I don't think we bought them," Harry said, bringing out two cups of hot coffee. Snape's was blacker than black and Harry's was almost skin tone. "For what that's worth."

Snape took the cup and nodded in thanks. "That's almost worse, that someone would think we'd wear them," he said, tossing the coat aside.

He looked curiously at Harry. "I could have picked these up when I came to clean out the lab. Let me guess. You assumed you'd find me hungover and passed out in the front garden."

"It was a possibility. And look." Harry turned, holding out one arm as the other was still holding a mug of coffee. "I'm fully clothed."

"So I see," Snape replied, leaning back against the couch to sip his coffee. "Will wonders never cease." He stared a moment too long before looking into his coffee cup. "I'm out of alcohol and don't intend to buy any more, so you can resist whatever noble urge you have to check up on me. I'm perfectly fine."

"Right." Harry sipped at his coffee, relishing in the sugar and caffeine. He had work in a few minutes. Rather less than a few minutes, in actuality. Lucky for him, no one else came in until later.

"Am I expected to cook you breakfast as well, or are you just here to drink my coffee?"

"I'm actually just here to drop that off." Harry grinned into his cup as he finished it off. "And maybe drink your coffee. I didn't know you liked coffee."

"I didn't sleep well last night," Snape admitted, inhaling the scent of the coffee. "I prefer coffee on mornings like this."

Mornings where his eyeballs felt like they were covered in sand and his head hurt from dozing in and out all night.

Harry set the cup in front of him, watching it hover under a short levitating spell. "That wouldn't be my fault, would it?"

Snape snorted. "My world no longer needs to revolve around one Harry potter," Snape scoffed, though in reality it was true. His lack of sleep had everything to do with Potter and to some extent Lily.

"No, but it was a valid concern. You weren't exactly happy with me last night." Not that Snape was ever particularly happy with him, ever. Harry'd grown used to that passive-aggressive dislike, but he'd struck a nerve somewhere within Snape's mind that he hadn't meant to.

"By the end of the night, I wasn't happy with anyone," Snape pointed out. He was silent for a moment before saying, "I thought you were mocking me and acted accordingly."

"I was. At first. You were being a stuck up prude, you know. It's not like I was lying. I'm not the only person who jogs around with no shirt on."

"I have always been a stuck up prude," Snape replied, rolling his eyes. "It doesn't bother me that people mock me for that. It's expected, even if I am right in this case." Snape raised his coffee cup to his mouth to hide his small smile.

Harry hopped onto the back of the couch, sitting beside Snape where he was leaning. "Am I that horrible to look at?"

"Are you fishing for compliments?" Snape asked, scowling at Harry. Why did he have to move so close?

"No, just curious if you get this up in arms about everyone." Harry shrugged, fingering the upholstery of the sofa. "Or just with me."

Snape got to his feet and went to stand by the window, appearing calmer than he felt. "I've never noticed anyone else so I cannot say."

Harry startled, leaning forward to hear and then almost falling backward at the implication. "No? Not anyone?"

"Recently, Potter," Snape answered, glaring him over his shoulder. "Since I've returned to the mortal coil, as it were. How does your ego fit through the door?"

"Really well, actually." Harry slid off the back edge of the sofa to his feet and frowned. "And don't think that makes your answer sound any better than it did before."

Snape whirled on him, scowling. "Will you never learn to let something go?" he snapped. "Or are you going to force me to spell it out for you?"

"I'm annoyingly consistent." Harry folded his arms across his chest, waiting.

"You certainly are annoying," Snape agreed, stalking toward the kitchen for more coffee if the brat didn't take it all.

"And you're certainly consistent. Look, just. I don't know what I'm doing here, all right. I knew where you lived yesterday morning and it was the first time I ever bothered to take off my sodding shirt. I just--" Harry fisted some of his hair and let out a frustrated sigh. "This place makes no bloody sense. But you do. You're exactly like you ought to be."

Snape slammed his mug down on the counter. "How is lusting after a former student for no other reason than seeing him with his sodding shirt off remotely like me?"

Harry jumped. "That wasn't what I meant."

Snape sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Then what do you mean? I know I said something when I drunk and I know just as well that you've taken off your shirt just to...taunt me! What I don't understand is why? Does it give you some sick sense of joy to see me brought down this way?" he asked, his voice strained.

"Maybe I did mean to taunt you," Harry snapped. "Maybe I wanted you to look at me for once!"

"Then you succeeded!" Snape snarled, stalking toward Harry. "I can't stop looking," he ground through clenched teeth. "I warned you not to tease a sleeping serpent, Potter."

Harry backed up into the stove, gripping the handle to the door as Snape bared down on him. "Then tell me what you see." He glowered, feeling young and foolish, younger than he had felt in ages, facing a Snape straight from his memories. "Do something about it."

Furious at being pushed to this point, Snape followed after Harry, pinning his hips against the oven door. With a low growl, he slid fingers into Harry's hair, gripping it tightly as he leaned forward to kiss him. There was nothing gentle about it and Snape couldn't have done gentle if he tried. He was angry and frustrated and wanting it so badly he couldn't sleep at night. He didn't even know if Harry was kissing him back and part of him didn't care. Harry had told him to do something and he did. Whether it was what Potter expected was beside the point.

Something slid like a lock into a grate in the far part of Harry's mind as Snape's hips crushed into his and his mouth soon followed. Gasping, he reached forward, gripping at Snape's hair, tangling it between his fingers, keeping him trapped against him in the only way Harry knew how. This wasn't what he'd expected. This wasn't it at all, and a tiny whimper escaped his lips as he arched upward, pushing his way onto his toes. Heat coiled low in his stomach and his heart tripped in an effort to catch up with what his mind and body already knew.

Snape's heart was going to pound straight out of his chest. While he'd thought of doing this more than once to shut Potter up, his common sense had prevailed.

Obviously, his common sense had abandoned him and it's ugly cousin lust had taken over.

He gasped softly when Harry arched against him, surprise and pleasure running through him. More than certain that Potter was indeed kissing him back, his free hand slipped around his back, pulling him closer.

Snape could taste the coffee on Harry's tongue, less bitter than his own, and for a moment couldn't resist sucking Harry's tongue, wanting to memorize the flavor. He felt the fingers tangled in hair and knew they weren't to pull him away, but draw him closer.

In a word, it was exhilarating and arousing in ways he'd long forgotten.

Harry's skin was on fire from toe to nose. Harry swallowed a shallow moan when Snape suddenly brought him in closer, pushing them flat against one another. He'd never done this before, never wanted to with another man, but his toes were curling in his scuffed black shoes and his mind was cartwheeling back and forth with each pulse beat, driving him forward. His hands fell from Snape's hair, sliding down over his shoulders and clawing at his back as he fought to maintain his balance.

Snape's mouth overwhelmed him. Without thought or effort and Harry felt himself slipping into a hazy trance where all he knew and felt was this man holding onto him. He didn't want it to stop. He never wanted to stop.

"We, I've got-" Harry pulled back, whining stupidly. "Work," he finished in a wavering breath.

Snape stood there, panting as he looked at Harry, searching for some sign that he was disgusted or appalled at what had just happened. It was actually disconcerting that he found nothing there but naked need.

Forcing his body to move, Snape took one step then another backwards, never taking his eyes from Harry. He'd never been in this sort of situation before and hadn't a clue what the proper response was.

"Work," he agreed, finally forcing his eyes away from Harry to look at the clock. He had twenty minutes, but he'd yet to shower or do the other things that needed doing before he left.

"I should probably go." Harry hesitated, swaying on his feet. He wet his lips and glanced at the clock and knew he'd have to come up with some sort of excuse for being over thirty minutes late. A kitten in a tree that was on fire maybe? At least part of it would be true.

Snape nodded and pulled himself upright, forcing a look of composure he'd perfected many years ago. "Yes, I'm expected shortly as well. I trust I don't have to ask that you don't mention this little escapade to your mother. I'd rather not spend the next week looking over my shoulder."

"Because that's a conversation I want to have," Harry groused. He flattened his tie back into place, doubting he could even pretend to look presentable at this point.

"Or Black," Snape added, not wanting that particular nightmare on his doorstep. Taking a deep breath, he waved toward the door. "Go on, I don't want to lose a job I just attained by being late."

Snorting, Harry moved in the direction Snape pointed at and paused. "So, er...I'll see you later, yeah?"

Snape nodded. He had a feeling he'd be seeing Harry whether he wanted to or not and at the moment he wasn't sure how he felt. "You can see yourself out," Snape said, brushing passed Harry. He stopped before entering the bathroom and looked over his shoulder. "Do try not to get killed," he added before closing the door.

severus snape, harry potter, *status-complete

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