Candidate Theories of Quantum Gravity

Jun 20, 2009 00:57

Who: Dairine and Wesley
What: The bitterest rivals
When: Sat, 20th. Afternoon
Where: The Library (really now. ^^ again)
Rating: A for Arrogant
Status: Closed/Incomplete

The worst thing about working in the library was that she didn't get paid for it. According to Canadian labor laws, Dairine was still too young to be legally employed, but at least Tosh was a sport about it, letting her sit about the library, directing people to the computers or the appropriate section of non-fiction.

Well, when it suited her, of course. Dairine didn't have the same infinite patience for people that her sister did (a fault of being the younger.) She'd go wandering from the reception desk, aimless around too-familiar stacks, hiding her silvery name badge between her fingers so people wouldn't think she worked there. Spot followed her sometimes, normally invisible because people tended to panic at the sight of a laptop with legs.

In all honesty, she didn't mind leaving Spot at reception. He did a better job than she did of greeting patrons and seemed to enjoy it more than she ever would. The fact that he was a wizard's manual seemed to prevent him from being stolen. If anyone tried, he's simply vanish in their hands and reappear with Dairine.

Today was one of those sorts of days, and Dairine wandered.

There was a bench by the window Dairine had grown fond of, one that allowed in just the right amount of light to read by and secluded enough where she could read without being disturbed (or eat lunch without Tosh scolding her for eating in the library.)

What she didn't expect, however, was the sleeping boy who'd taken her place

Ginger eyebrows instantly pulled into a deep scowl beyond her fifteen years.

Three long strides brought her to stand over him and she held the book in her hands (third edition of A Brief History of Wormholes) open over his head, dangerously close to the boy's ear.

"Wake up!" She slammed the book shut for a thick clap of air.

wesley crusher, dairine callahan

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