House call!

Jun 18, 2008 10:56

Who: The Doctor, Severus Snape
When: June, 18
Where: Snape's flat
Rating: PG
Complete: Yes

The Doctor stood on the doorstep of the flat, his hands shoved deeply into his pockets as he bounced up and down impatiently. It took a bit of research, and a bit of asking the right questions around town, but he'd finally found another magic user in town. Unfortunately, he'd all but ruled out magic as being the cause of the things going on in town. It was all random, and magic was anything but.

And so he found himself on Severus Snape's doorstep, waiting.

Pulling himself reluctantly away from his lab, Snape went to the door. Upon finding a stranger at the door, he scowled. "I'm not interested," he snapped, attempting to close the door in the man's face. Unfortunately, there was a foot blocking the way. "Kindly remove your foot from the door before I remove it for you."

The Doctor continued to smile brightly. "You're not a morning person are you? he asked cheerily. "No matter," he said, brushing past Snape to stand in the entryway. "Are you coming?" he asked, motioning inside.

No longer willing to be pleasant, Snape drew his wand and pointed it at the Doctor. "Who are you and what do you want?"

The Doctor's face lit up. "Is that a magic wand? Oh that's brilliant! Can I hold it?" Looking up at Snape's face, he saw fury brewing in his eyes. He cleared his throat, looking sheepish. "Hullo, I'm the Doctor," he said, holding out his hand, which was completely ignored.

Right, this wasn't going so well.

Snape was about a half a second from hexing the man, obliviating him, and shoving him out the door. But then he mentioned his name, and Snape paused.

So this was the Doctor.

Moira had mentioned that the man was looking for him, but he hadn't expected him to show up on his doorstep. "Did Moira tell you where I lived?" Snape asked, frowning. He had hoped the girl had more sense than that.

"Moira? Oh! The witch! No, no, she wouldn't tell me a thing. Not even your name. But, it's a small town and people notice things. Things that lead right to your door." Feeling pleased with himself, he smiled and asked, "I don't suppose you've got a cuppa?"

Tea? The daft man was asking for tea?

"State your business and leave. I don't believe for one moment that this is a social call," Snape snapped. He really didn't have time for this.

Oh, someone was cranky this morning. Sighing and forgoing anymore pleasantries, the Doctor asked, "So all of this business going on around town. I don't suppose that's your doing is it? Not that I'm blaming you," he said quickly when Snape's eye began to twitch. "I'm just trying to rule you out, that's all."

"Not that it is any of your business, Doctor, but I'm as confounded by events as everyone else, and certainly don't have the power to bring people back from the dead. I believe that the dead should stay dead." One would be immortal pyschopath was enough for one lifetime.

"You and me both," the Doctor replied, running a hand through his hair. He couldn't help but think of Jack, and the absolute wrongness that he was. But there was a part of him, that part that wasn't completely freaked out by Jack's immortality, was glad there would be someone else who would live as long as him. Maybe he wouldn't have to be alone forever.

Snape watched the Doctor's eyes glaze over and ended up snapping his fingers in front of his face. "Focus!" he growled. He saw the moment the Doctor's attention was back on him, and he rolled his eyes. "Are we through here?" he asked, already considering his options. The best course of action, the one that could keep them all safe, was to Oblivate the man, make him forget all about them.

The Doctor shrugged. "I suppose so. Unless you'd let me try out your wand?" he asked hopefully.

Snape snorted, then his lips curled into a smirk. "No, but I will show you a trick if you would like." Raising his wand, he pointed it at the Doctor and shouted, "Obliviate!"

The Doctor felt something brush against his mind and fade away. "Hey, that tickles. I like it," he said, beaming at Snape. "Little hint though," he said, dropping his voice to a whisper. "My mind is not a place you want to mess with. It would be a really, really, bad idea."

Straightening up, he shoved his hands into his pockets and wandered back out the still open door, pondering what his next step would be.

the doctor, severus snape, *status-complete

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