Endora looks for a job (and finds the Doctor!)

Apr 18, 2009 23:17

Who: Endora and the Doctor
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: The Jazz Club
Rating: PG
Status: Closed
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the doctor, endora, *status-complete

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xx_doctorwho_xx April 19 2009, 04:29:09 UTC
The Doctor turned, leaning back on the bar to look at the patrons. He'd come looking for Jack, but the man in question wasn't going to be around until later. But since he was here and really had nothing pressing to do, he thought he would listen to the music for a bit.

Seeing an older woman approaching the bar, the Doctor grinned. "Hallo," he greeted. "You're a new face. Well, new to me anyway. I imagine you've had your face for quite awhile, in which case it's the same old face. Not that I'm calling you old. I'm not really one to talk. I'm the Doctor by the way," he said, holding out a hand, smiling.


endorathewitch April 19 2009, 17:17:19 UTC
Endora was faintly surprised when a stranger greeted her, but she was coming to learn that most people in this town were fairly friendly. "Hello," she said.

She listened with amusement as the man prattled on a bit. "I'm afraid it is the same old face, save when I feel like changing it." Endora took the Doctor's hand and shook it. She was used to spending time among witches and warlocks, and this man wasn't one, but there was something about him that reminded her of her witch friends. "Pleased to meet you. I don't suppose we've met before?"


xx_doctorwho_xx April 19 2009, 19:31:35 UTC
"I don't suppose we have," the Doctor grinned. "Though I suppose it's possible. I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," he said, still holding her hand.

His attention was caught by her eyes. They were older, wiser than he was used to seeing in humans. "Something tells me you're not from around here," he said softly.


endorathewitch April 19 2009, 23:48:32 UTC
Endora smiled. "No, of course not. How silly of me." She inclined her head slightly to him. "My name is Endora. Last name unpronounceable by humans." Which you aren't, she wanted to say--something told her that, even though she had no reason to trust any glimmer of her powers that remained.

Endora met his eyes, and although the man's physical appearance was young, she could see the old soul behind them. Whatever he was, this was not, could not be his only form. "And neither are you," she said, voice also soft.


xx_doctorwho_xx April 20 2009, 00:10:35 UTC
The Doctor gave Endora a small bow. "A pleasure, Endora. And no, I'm not from around here." He leaned closer to whisper in her ear. "And sometimes I can't even pronounce my own given name." When he could even remember it. The Doctor straightened again. "So the Doctor suits," he grinned. "Can I buy you a drink?"

Or rather, put a drink on his tab, which Jack seemed more than happy to clear up for him if the total became too high.


endorathewitch April 20 2009, 00:28:22 UTC
Endora smiled at the Doctor's slight bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." She was glad to have her suspicions confirm, and chuckled softly when the Doctor whispered in her ear. "Very well, Doctor. Yes, thank you."

She sat beside him. "It's so strange. Forgive me, Doctor, but I feel...something of a kinship with you, even though I suspect you are not a witch or warlock yourself." She had gotten almost used to announcing that fact since her arrival in Aternaville.


xx_doctorwho_xx April 20 2009, 00:46:16 UTC
"Nope, not a bit of magic in me," he agreed, sitting on the barstool. "Then again, those more magic in the world than can be done by witches and warlocks. Shakespeare, now there was a man with magic in him!" he cried, beaming. "I met him once, nice bloke, little stuck on himself, but oh, the magic he could do with words."


endorathewitch April 20 2009, 00:50:02 UTC
"No, not magic exactly," Endora agreed. "But something." Endora smiled at the Doctor's enthusiasm for Shakespeare. "Yes, quite! My daughter conjured him up once. He was rather something."


xx_doctorwho_xx April 20 2009, 01:56:13 UTC
"There are all sorts of magic users in this town," the Doctor replied, studying Endora. "I've never seen anything like it, really. All different, and all converging on this bizarre little town."

He shook his head, grinning. "But you, Endora, are different aren't you? Older than the rest, older magic than the rest. I mean, don't get me wrong, Moira comes from a long line of magic, but she's relatively new to it, all things considered. So, at the risk of being rude, just how old are you?"


endorathewitch April 20 2009, 02:47:12 UTC
"So I've heard," Endora replied, "and I've met a few. Fascinating how none of our magics are exactly the same. I've met other magical creatures, of course, but never so many varieties of witches, wizards, warlocks, and miscellaneous."

Endora laughed aloud, delighted that the Doctor could see so much about her, and wishing her magic were a little stronger so that she could augment the little she sensed from him. "You're absolutely right, Doctor, and I'm very pleased that you can see that." Endora paused to think. "Let me see. At last count, I was a little over five hundred." She gave the Doctor a wry look, a small smile pursing her lips. "And never mind this shell of yours, Doctor. How old are you really?"


xx_doctorwho_xx April 20 2009, 03:04:23 UTC
Now that was interesting. "Over five hundred. That's...impressive actually. You're not part Time Lord are you?" he asked, grinning.

He had to think a minute in regards to his own age. The Doctor and the Master had debated their actual ages, neither exactly certain if they'd passed one thousand years or not. His voice was uncertain when he answered. "I think about nine hundred and forty five, give or take a hundred years," he shrugged. "Probably take. Honestly, I've lost track," he admitted somewhat sheepishly.


endorathewitch April 20 2009, 03:12:30 UTC
Endora laughed. "We witches do tend toward long lives. Not as far as I know, though it's possible that your people have met mine and...intermingled along the way." This man's apparent cheer--and Endora was not entirely certain why she thought of it as apparent--lifted her mood a great deal. It was very pleasant to be with someone with such strong joie de vivre.

"Well," Endora said, clasping her hands together. "I'm not surprised you've lost track--honestly, after the first few centuries, it all starts to blur together. You are the only person I've met so far, dear Doctor, who doesn't make me feel like a nurse in a room full of infants."


xx_doctorwho_xx April 20 2009, 04:01:20 UTC
"Entirely possible, though my people weren't very fond of humans," he said, a wry smile on his face. "Stodgy lot, Time Lords. Considered themselves above all other species and couldn't be bothered to intermingle with them. But I'm sure there were a few renegades that might have indulged," he grinned. He knew of a few at least, himself included.

He laughed at her comment. "It does get tiresome doesn't it?" he asked, thinking of how most humans never really left 'infancy' by time standards. He considered telling her about the other Time Lord in town, but decided that was something the Master would have to choose for himself. Reading over the forums would have told her about him, but it wasn't his story to tell.

"You should meet, Jack," he said, looking around the club. "Not sure when he's coming back, but you'll like him. And he's definitely not an infant."


endorathewitch April 20 2009, 13:04:35 UTC
Endora chuckled. "Witches aren't particularly fond of humans either. We usually keep our distance, though there are some exceptions. Salem saw to that." Actually, given the Doctor's description, witches sounded a great deal like Time Lords. "Our two worlds sound very much alike, quite frankly."

Endora smiled at the Doctor's comment, rolling her eyes heavenward. "It certainly does. My daughter married one of them, and I never understood how she could set so much of herself aside for a petulant little brat like Derwood--he insisted that she give her magic up, you see, and wait on him hand and foot like a typical housewife. Humans--they think the earth revolves around them." At least, Donkey certainly did.

"I would be delighted to meet Jack," Endora said. "Is he related to you, or just a friend?" An attempt at discreetly asking if Jack were a Time Lord as well.


xx_doctorwho_xx April 21 2009, 21:38:40 UTC
"Oh, you have a daughter? I suppose I should ask how you ended up here. Was it by choice or by fate? Or whatever it is that draws people here."

At the mention of Jack, the Doctor grinned. "Oh, I'm sure he'd like to meet you too. Jack's a friend. A very good friend. The best, actually. Good man to have around when you're in a pickle. Terrible flirt, but I think you'd rather enjoy that wouldn't you?"


endorathewitch April 23 2009, 01:42:25 UTC
"I do. Samantha. She's a lovely girl." Endora was enormously proud of her daughter. "I came here accidentally. I was attempting to transport myself to Paris. My magic hasn't worked since."

Endora gave the Doctor a coy look. "A woman enjoys a little attention now and then."


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