Who: Tex and her Secret Admirer (Church)
When: Monday, March 9th, 9pm
Where: Freelancer Base (Tex's Mansion)
What: Tex found Church's love note.
Rating: Very, very R
Status: Complete
Tex had seen that notice in town. She'd pulled down a copy and stared at it. It was Church's handwriting. She'd stared at it for a long, long time. Then she'd folded it and put it in her pocket and headed home. She didn't need to get the groceries that she'd been going to the store for, she needed to go home. It took about ten minutes to walk home (she needed a car) and she pushed the door open, moved calmly for the stairs, pulled her gun off of her thigh and went up those stairs, to the second floor where Church's room was. Her booted foot kicked open that door, and Tex was swinging her gun up and pointing it into the room, eyes raking around immediately for her ex boyfriend.