Earth Intruder

Feb 21, 2009 22:04

Who: River and Open
When: 21. Evening.
Where: Bookstore

The little bell gave a merry jingle overhead as River stepped into the bookstore. A smell of parchment, ink, dust and (occasional) mold bombarded her senses -- but it was in the good way! Made her smile and think of knowledge.

River actually made it to the bookstore this time without getting terribly sidetracked by men with mixed intentions. Honestly, she had to really step back and consider her friends, now and again. What were they wanting? What were they compared to decent morality? Church seemed the farthest from morality that she could reasonably consider.

And River didn't care.

Her friends were her friends. Family was family. You didn't mess with complications of what was "moral" and what was "right," as twisted as it may have seemed. As long as you loved them, they still belonged to you.


Books. She'd come here for books.

jalil sherman, river tam, james "sawyer" ford, *status-complete, moira byrne

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