N e w: Y o r k

Feb 21, 2009 21:30

Who: River and York
What: Lovely day
When: 20th Afternoon
Where: Starts out York's house.
Rating: Cute?

A sweet smile. )

york, river tam, *status-complete, tex

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freelanceryork February 25 2009, 17:53:22 UTC
York smiled just a little and leaned in, touching his fingers gently under her chin to lift her mouth up some, and he brought his in to meet hers, fingers falling away only then. And after a second of their mouths resting together, he parted his lips slightly and touched his tongue to hers, gently at first. Then he was being a little more insistent, to encourage her mouth to open. If he managed to do so, he pressed himself a little closer, smoothing that hand around her waist to tug her nearer to his body, as he tilted his head to the side so he could press his tongue carefully into her mouth.

Now, York wasn't that experienced.. sleeping with Tex once, and a prostitute once, didn't exactly make him some great man.. but Tex could kiss, and she'd taught him how. Thankfully. So he wasn't too pushy with it, he wasn't too firm, he didn't use too much tongue or not enough. It was just the right amount of coaxing and just the right amount of touch, until he slowly pulled away (back just a few inches, so their faces were still near) before he smiled. "There." More quietly said.


brainpanned February 25 2009, 18:28:57 UTC
New. Again. River had the bit about closing her eyes settled, nervous hands fluttering for a moment but finally finding place along York's shoulders. And then neck. And then she was letting him lead her, each motion at first tentative before she felt bold enough to return his kisses. A slight part in her lips inviting him closer, pink of her tongue pressing against his.

As her hands worked up into York's hair, she noticed Delta had gone rather quiet -- which seemed about right. If unlikely.

When he pulled back, it seemed to be over too quickly and River took an extra second to open her eyes, grinning a bit shyly to mirror his smile. A moment later, she looked down, cheeks flushed a bit with breathless glee.

"I -- um."


freelanceryork February 25 2009, 19:01:57 UTC
"Me too." He grinned slowly and leaned in for another brief, chaste kiss against her mouth. "So that was a different type of kissing." Slowly, his eyebrows went up. And clearly, she hadn't really known what was happening -- she was letting him guide her. So he wasn't sure exactly what she'd know... but was guessing that it wasn't much.

"You know about sex, don't you? The mechanics of it? Or do you not?" Because he was ready to have this talk with her, if she didn't. He'd had the talk on Onyx, from their drill instructors.


brainpanned February 25 2009, 19:13:30 UTC
River smiled again at the unexpected kiss. He tasted nice, she thought. Otherwise, her heart still pounded out a quick, erratic beat while her head stayed a bit...spinny. Fingertips tingling. York's questions took a decent while to make their way through the soup.

"No, I -- Kaylee explained." But sex was something far more complicated. From what she'd...seen...the concept of it stuck thickly against her skin in a blinding veil. She hadn't liked the way it clouded her. River drew her hands away, running them through a lone tangle of her hair as she played at the ends. There was fear there of heady emotions in an oversensitive mind; River didn't think the Academy had programmed those damaged nerve clusters in her head for sex when kissing brought such a rush.


freelanceryork February 25 2009, 19:15:54 UTC
"Maybe my explanation will be a little different? Or do you not want to talk about it?" He lifted his hand to push it back through her hair, drawing the dark strands over her shoulder to push her hair to lay along her back. His other hand lifted to nudge her chin up, so she'd have to look at him.


brainpanned February 25 2009, 19:38:03 UTC
"I -- it's -- "

River licked at her lips, trying to look anywhere but his eyes. How could she explain it to him in a way they could both understand? Comprehension was impossible. "My head -- it -- there's things that are wrong. Missing. Makes it so I see everything and...and feel too much. Too soon. Too much." Her hands clasped together over his one and she finally looked.

"You want me how I am? Sure you don't mind the broken bits?"


freelanceryork February 25 2009, 19:47:59 UTC
"I want you just how you are. I've got broken bits too. D's the only thing that keeps me from being a total headcase.. because believe me, that's exact what I am." He smiled some and leaned forward, gently pushing her so she'd end up on her back on the bed, next to that egg. Then he slowly settled his body down on hers, but so they weren't lined up. He hadn't scooted forward, so he was resting his thighs and abdomen along her legs (though he nudged them to spread some, so he'd be mostly on the bed), and his chest was on her hips, and his shoulders and head came to rest about level with her abdomen. He had his arms resting on either side of her stomach, elbows down on the bed to keep his chest mostly off of her. Supporting his own weight-- because the tall, muscular man was not light.

"I like your broken bits. I like your personality. And I think you're quite pretty."


brainpanned February 25 2009, 20:13:54 UTC
She looked down, letting York move her and tracing a curious hand through his hair when he settled. "And you as well."

Two broken bits made a whole, yes? Mathematically correct. Biting at her lower lip a little, River shot him a nearly scolding look, but it was all in jest. "You promised me equations."


freelanceryork February 25 2009, 20:27:18 UTC
"Equations." Agreed with a slow smile. And he was shifting some and laying his head down on her abdomen, so his chin rested there and he could still mostly look up at her. "Alright, if you insist." And with that, he was pushing up onto his elbows again (he hadn't stayed still very long!) and was shifting his weight onto one arm so he could lift a hand and begin writing it out in the air. Backwards. As his finger moved through the air, green numbers began to appear, following the path of his finger, and then moving along to the side and falling into line. Delta was helping him. And about five minutes later, he'd be done writing it out and he'd give the lined up letters a little flick with his finger, and they all spun around, then lined themselves up properly into an equation, then turned to face River head-on, so that she could read the floating numbers and symbols.

Then York was putting his head down again. He'd give her some time to read it.


brainpanned February 25 2009, 20:45:09 UTC
River propped herself up a little on her elbows, arching upwards a little to read the numbers. Once she'd gotten over the shock of the floating and glowing, she began to read. They made sense, a little. But the threes were oddly shaped (and she didn't think they were threes) and the sevens felt menacing.

As they spun closer River reached up, touching the tail of a five and flinching back a hair when it wobbled. "Beautiful..." And not just the glowing. The sense of it. When the numbers made sense they sang; she committed them to memory.

Looking down at York, she smiled again. "Thank you."


freelanceryork February 25 2009, 20:53:48 UTC
"Thank Delta." He insisted. And as he said that, the numbers all flew together and squished up, creating the figure of Delta, in his translucent green armor. He nodded once to her.

"It was my pleasure, River Tam. Epsilon has taken quite a shining to you and I am interested in pleasing her. She finds your presence comforting. Are you aware of the Erastis that she was asking for?" Erastis, of course, being the Latin word for 'Lover'. But Delta was as in the dark as the rest of them. He had the logic, but he didn't have the memory of Erastis, like Epsilon did. Or else he'd know exactly what was going on. As it was, York and Delta had yet to figure it out.


brainpanned February 25 2009, 21:02:43 UTC

River looked down at the egg and placed her hand against the dimly pulsating surface. Lovingly moving it in little circles. Epsilon had begged for Erastis, and River was a little confused when Delta asked. She turned to face him, looking from the green man to York.

"How do you not know?"


freelanceryork February 25 2009, 21:08:01 UTC
"That's memory. If Delta doesn't know, I don't know. And when I asked Wash, he didn't know, either. But he did say that we shouldn't poke around and put our noses in places they shouldn't be.. which means that he did know and just didn't want to tell us." York rolled his eyes, but smiled regardless.


brainpanned February 25 2009, 23:50:49 UTC
River sat up more and the little movement pushed York upwards in the process. Thin brows drew together into a line as she ran her hand carefully through his hair. Always tactile. River needed to touch people for constant reassurance that they were real. She spoke a moment later.

"Tex. Of course." Didn't it make sense?


freelanceryork February 26 2009, 00:41:51 UTC
"What about her?" Prompted with a glance up at her. He enjoyed that she kept touching his hair. He was a touchy-feely sort of man, but it hadn't been a trait that most Spartans enjoyed, so he rarely got any of the interaction.. Still...


brainpanned February 26 2009, 00:58:01 UTC
"It's her." She enunciated the words more clearly and took a moment's pause from his hair to made sure he paid attention. "Texasmiss is Erastis. Though I do not understand the logic of it." River personally thought Tex would make a terrible lover, but considering her relationship with Church...then it all made sense.

"Church is the Alpha," she explained as her fingers resumed their lazy motion motion, "She had the Omega. The ballad is nearly poetic."


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