This isn't the blue base anymore, is it?

Feb 18, 2009 16:23

Who: Caboose and Open
What: Caboose finds himself in someplace new
Where: Starting at a bench by the park
When: Today!  Feb. 18, 2009
Rating: L for Lost
Status: OPEN! and incomplete

When you're lost, stay put! )

caboose, church, *status-complete, tex

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heathens_church February 18 2009, 22:16:34 UTC
Caboose was lucky. Because an hour ago, it'd been raining. And he was lucky because today was in the forties - very warm for Canada in the middle of February. He wasn't so lucky in the fact that he was lost... He was about to be a lot happier than he currently was, though.

Church was not.

He was soaking wet, he'd been out in the rain for hours and hadn't changed his clothes when it'd stopped. He didn't want to go back to Tex's house. So he was walking, instead, and when he glanced across the street at the park his jaw dropped a little. Literally, his mouth hung open some.

There was no mistaking that blue armor and that stupid, stupid looking face.

Church considered turning and walking away. If he had a gun on him, he'd have shot at him. As it was.. He let out a sigh and moved across the street towards him. Caboose would recognize him in a second. They took their helmets off all the time at Blue Base, after all.

This must really be hell.


caboosebvr February 19 2009, 04:07:49 UTC
...Caboose swung his legs anyway. It didn't work so well.

But it was alright, since Church was coming over. Caboose had visibly brightened and climbed to his feet, still juggling both helmet and Epsilon in his arms. "I found you!" he crowed happily.


heathens_church February 19 2009, 04:10:58 UTC
Church got close enough to recognize the thing that Caboose was carrying, and he stopped dead. "What. The. Fuck. Do. You have that thing for?" Snapped out at him, already impatient.


caboosebvr February 19 2009, 12:33:02 UTC
Didn't take Church long, did it. Caboose's arms tightened around Epsilon as he stood. A couple of the paper hearts he had taped to the purple thing fluttered off and drifted to the ground.

"Agent Washing Tub said it was you, so I brought you you for Valentine's day. You missed it." He looked down at the thing for a moment. "It does not look like you, but he would not listen. Church. Did you hatch from a purple egg?"


heathens_church February 19 2009, 14:44:53 UTC
He stared down at Epsilon another moment before looking up at Caboose again, letting out a long, suffering sigh. "Shut the fuck up, Caboose." Said with exasperation in his voice. "Would you carry that thing in a.. less obvious manner? Come on." He jerked his hand up and pointed his thumb back in the direction of the street, away from the house.

"Tex will be so happy to see you."


caboosebvr February 19 2009, 15:51:29 UTC
Less obvious manner? Caboose looked down at the egg for a moment, then stuck his helmet on top of it. So it looked like an oversized head in a helmet.

And people called him dumb! He showed them!

"Is Tucker here, too? Will Miss Tex really be happy or are you saying that so I will get my hopes up? Is Sheila here? Where is here, Church? I cannot find the blue base!"


heathens_church February 19 2009, 16:50:37 UTC
Blue eyes stared at him a long moment when Caboose stuck his helmet on top of the AI, and he let out another sigh. "Caboose." He said his name very deliberately. "Shut the fuck up and follow me."

With that, he started up walking again. "And walk fast." Because Tex had said something about that armor bringing the town up in arms.


caboosebvr February 19 2009, 20:56:28 UTC
"Okay, Church." Dopey, happy smile. Life was easy in Caboose's world.

He trotted along easily in Church's wake, still clutching the egg, though his head swiveled around, trying to look at everything. And there was lots to look at, too. Houses and shops and -- "Church! Ice cream! Look, it's a store that sells ice cream!"

That was something to get excited about.


heathens_church February 19 2009, 20:59:20 UTC
"Caboose!" That was snapped back at him in an ever growing impatient tone. He turned his head back to look at him, then came forward and lifted his hand to hit him across the side of his head with his open palm. "We're not getting ice cream. Focus on me. We're going to walk to Tex's house. She'll have ice cream there. All you have to do is ask her nicely, and she'll give you all the ice cream you could ever want. She'll say not at first, but that's just a game. So ask her until she finally gives in."

With that, he gave the side of his head a little pat, and turned to continue walking.


caboosebvr February 19 2009, 21:38:42 UTC
Church hit him!

Though, he mentioned ice cream and pat him on the head, so it was alright, he thought. "Okay, Church."


heathens_church February 20 2009, 04:55:15 UTC
Yes, Church had hit him. It'd been very satisfying.

"Good. Shut up the rest of the way." And as long as Caboose followed that... they'd walk the rest of the way in silence. But of course, Caboose wouldn't... so Church would snap back at him to "shut the fuck up" a few times before they finally managed to make it to the front door of Tex's house, and he looked back at the man in the armor.

"Why did you bring that thing with you?" Epsilon.


caboosebvr February 20 2009, 12:32:05 UTC
Church wasn't happy unless he was unhappy, so Caboose didn't mind the yelling. It made Church happy!

"Agent Washing Tub said that it was important. So I kept it!" There was more to it than that, but Caboose didn't really know how to go into it. "It was lonely so I will be its friend and call it Steve." Steve Epsilon. The AI.


heathens_church February 20 2009, 17:47:22 UTC
"The AI wasn't lonely, Caboose." Said with a roll of his eyes, and he dug his hand into his pocket for the house key, before pushing it into the door and pulling one of the large double doors open.

"Go find the kitchen and wait there, Caboose. I'll get Tex to come and get you some ice cream."


freelancertexas February 20 2009, 18:04:31 UTC
He'll get Tex? More like he'll get shot by Tex. She was sitting further inside, in the main living room towards the back of the house, having a few whiskeys and watching Spike TV. She loved it when those buildings burned down. It always made her smile. But when she heard Church's footsteps, she turned some on the couch to look at him and smirked some. "You're back. And you're wet. End up at a strip club? Those squirters can be dangerous."


heathens_church February 20 2009, 19:42:03 UTC
When she came into view, Church stopped and lifted his shoulders in a shrug. "I guess I just can't help myself. There's someone in the kitchen for you, Tex." He watched her another moment, before turning and moving out towards the said kitchen.


freelancertexas February 20 2009, 20:31:01 UTC
Tex watched him go.. then got up slowly and came after Church, curious but cautious. It wasn't that Red bitch, was it? With a gun to cause her some pain in return? Tex hoped not. She didn't think Church would do that to her.. but.. she never could tell with him. "Who?" Prompted, even as she turned the corner to come into the kitchen.

"Crap." Caboose.


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