Endora arrives

Feb 15, 2009 08:22

Who: Endora and Open
What: Endora appears in Aternatopia
When: Morning, February 15
Where: Main Street, near the park
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

With no fanfare and absolutely no warning, Endora appeared in the center of what seemed to be a small town, arms still upraised in the gesture of the spell she had cast immediately before appearing here.  Endora lowered her arms slowly and looked around, but this looked nothing like Paris.  She had distinctly remembered casting a spell to go to Paris to look at the spring collections and have a lovely dinner on the Left Bank, but this was certainly not Paris.  Endora made a scoffing sound, hoping that her magic wasn't going spotty like Clara's, and raised her arms to undo the spell and go to Paris.  Nothing happened.

Endora waited for the small town around her to disappear, but nothing changed.  She lowered her arms, feeling a bit foolish and also slightly sick.  What was happening?  Her magic had never refused to work for her before.  She muttered a soft incantation under her breath that would accomplish the same thing as her gestures, but again, nothing happened.  She pointed at a nearby blade of grass and attempted to turn it into a toad.  Nothing was working.  Her magic was gone.

But it couldn't be gone, Endora thought, feeling the first stirrings of panic that she had felt in several decades.  Magic didn't simply disappear; it couldn't.  Not unless she had suddenly become mortal, and she couldn't be mortal.  Could she?

Endora drew herself up to her full height, hiding her unease.  If Clara could live without magic, so could she.  This might very well be a test of the Witches' Council, and Endora fully intended to pass.  First, however, she had to find out where she was.  At least she was in mortal-appropriate clothing, rather than the green and purple gown she usually wore to fly.

(OOC Note--Endora's magic is on the blink.  It may work once in a while, but not when she wants it to, and not in the way she expects.  Let me know if you want her to be able to do something in particular; otherwise, for all intents and purposes, she is currently powerless.)

uther pendragon, endora, *status-complete

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