
Feb 13, 2009 17:45

Who: Laura and ??
Where: Around town
When: Afternoon
What: Something random
Rating: PGish?

Things were going a little smoother now. )

maurice riley, laura roslin, *status-complete

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Maurice needs to be in a thread. I need to be at a concert. onceinvisible February 14 2009, 00:48:50 UTC
Maurice was out for a walk. He and Babs hadn't really settled in to this place--it was too strange, too far from home. He missed Sidney, and she missed Marks & Spencer's.

Though why she would was a mystery to him.

But he had been feeling claustrophobic in their flat, and so he had gone out, or so he had said to Babs. In truth, it was almost Valentine's Day, as he had been reminded by the poster for the party, and as usual, he was down to the wire to find something for Babs. He wouldn't steal it; he wasn't looking for that sort of gift, and it wasn't as though one would be available here. No, he was looking for something much more mundane and orthodox.

It was a nice day for a stroll, though, so he took his time. Which was how he came across the woman with the child all bundled up in a stroller. "That's a beautiful baby," he said appreciatively, thinking of Grace and hoping that he didn't come across funny. People seemed more inclined to talk to strangers on this continent. No English reticence among the Canadians. Even among the


redheadprophet February 14 2009, 00:58:28 UTC
Laura gave a smile, looking down at Tamara who was stretching, one arm raised up by her head. "Thank you so much. I'm Laura by the way. And this is Tamara." She held out a hand in offered greeting.


onceinvisible February 14 2009, 03:48:34 UTC
Responding in kind, Maurice shook Laura's hand. "Maurice Riley. I have a little girl, too; Grace." He smiled down into the stroller.


redheadprophet February 14 2009, 04:06:40 UTC
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Riley. How old is Grace?" she asked fondly.


onceinvisible February 14 2009, 04:29:49 UTC
Maurice rubbed the back of his neck with sudden sheepishness, other hand in his jeans pocket. "She was twenty-two last May."


redheadprophet February 14 2009, 04:33:20 UTC
Laura couldn't help but chuckle. "No matter how old, she'll always be your little girl. Age doesn't change that." She'd had three sisters, and she remembered her father checking on them no matter their age.


onceinvisible February 14 2009, 04:45:03 UTC
"Exactly." Maurice exhaled. "Though she would have you believe otherwise."

He nodded at the baby. "I remember when Grace was that age like it was yesterday. Sometimes I forget it wasn't."


redheadprophet February 14 2009, 04:50:29 UTC
"I'm trying very hard to keep in mind that this time will fly by. And that not sleeping through the night is a phase she will grow out of," Laura smirked.

Tamara decided to wake with a little grunt, kicking her legs as she stretched.


onceinvisible February 16 2009, 04:03:45 UTC
"Hiya, precious." Maurice smiled at Tamara.

He turned back to Laura. "Not getting much sleep?" he asked in a commiserating tone. "I remember that as well."

Though he remembered it with some guilt--he'd been deep in the middle of planning a big job during that time; it had taken months of work. Barbara had been understanding, of course, but by the time he'd been done Grace was already sleeping, well, like a baby.


redheadprophet February 16 2009, 15:02:38 UTC
"It's getting better," Laura admitted. "It's mostly all trial and error, though. But that's the great thing about it; when they're much older you get to hold these things over their heads. I plan on teaching her how to do laundry as soon as she's strong enough to lift up the detergent bottle without tipping over," she joked.


onceinvisible February 16 2009, 20:17:03 UTC
"You can get those child-sized bottles they make for travellers." Something about what Laura had said surprised Maurice. "Is she your first, then?"


redheadprophet February 17 2009, 02:34:51 UTC
Laura nodded with a smile. "She is." Picking her up, she couldn't hide the obvious joy in her voice. "My husband and I adopted her a few days after she was born."

Well, technically 'boyfriend' but that just sounded silly.


oh gee, I just realized they're INSIDE the store onceinvisible February 17 2009, 04:22:05 UTC
The happiness and love was more than evident, and Maurice was glad to see it. "Sounds like she's very lucky to have you."

He looked up at the candy, which was interspersed with more festive, red- and pink-wrapped packages. "Grace has long grown out of getting sweets from her old dad, but I'm looking for something for my wife. Any recommendations?"


redheadprophet February 17 2009, 04:39:18 UTC
Laura chuckled a little. "I have to admit that I'm not sure what all of this is about...but chocolate and creamy is a combination I'm fond of. Not cherry in the center though," she said with a little frown.


onceinvisible February 18 2009, 02:18:24 UTC
Maurice was determined, just this once, to give his wife the most mundane, normal gifts possible. Barbara usually received stolen (but priceless, beautiful) jewelry, or exotic baubles, but he knew that what she wanted most of all was to be ordinary, and given the strange place he'd landed them, it seemed the least he could do.

"Hmm, chocolate and creamy. Perhaps this box of truffles?" He picked a largish one off the shelf. "And roses. I don't suppose you know where the flowers are?"


redheadprophet February 18 2009, 02:41:22 UTC
Laura gave a grin and pointed behind them. "Actually, they're down this aisle and to the left. I recommend something other than roses. Roses are cliche," she chuckled. "And truffles are good. Better than a boring box of chocolates."


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