Who: Tex, Horrible and their guest. (With a cameo from York)
When: February 10th, 8pm (Full moon night)
Where: Tex's new mansion, in the empty basement.
What: Tex and Horrible are intrigued and want to learn more.
Rating: Probably PG-13 for language and violence.
Status: Complete
Tex had never been one to bring home stray animals, but there was a first for everything.
She was a Spartan. More importantly, she was a mercenary. And ever since she'd had that argument with Sirius over the internet, she'd been watching in, in the 311 house on Butcher street. The black-haired man, a red-headed woman, and the dirty-blonde boy all lived there. Sirius, Lily and Remus were their names. Lily was dating Lee Adama, the pilot. And the other two were fags and, well.. They were dating, or whatever it was that fags did. But what had caught her attention was the way that the youngest had gotten sick two months ago.. right around the full moon. And the screaming that had come from his house. Then the way he'd sat on the roof as a child and watched the moon. And the way he was once again sick.. the way the Black-haired fag had become so defensive when she'd mentioned him being a vampire, or a werewolf.
Now, vampires and werewolves didn't exist.. to her knowledge. But this was so far back in the past, when magic still existed.. so there was a chance. And she was going to find out.
She'd been watching when he'd left his house, the night before the full moon, and had gone to the ice cream shop when the scar-head boy. She'd been watching when the two had left the shop and had parted ways (she had been worried they might not separate, when they both started walking towards one house), and she'd quietly stalked the youngest as he'd walked down the street alone.
As he disappeared into his house, Tex returned home. But she was waiting for him the next day, around two, when he'd come out of his house, carrying his laptop (and looking like a strong wind would blow him over), and heading for the cafe. He'd had a drink, typed some on his computer, and had chatted with Ianto Jones. Then, after half an hour, he'd started out for home again. Slowly. Unfortunately, he'd never made it home, and when Snape came at four to pick him up.. he wouldn't be there.
The mercenary had smiled when he'd paused briefly for a rest, half a block from his house. He hadn't even heard the dart that hit him. Following that, she'd carried him back a quarter mile to her new (mostly empty) home, and had taken him into the basement. After attaching a chain to each wrist, and a thick collar (and chain) around his neck, all three were attached to rings in the ground. When the boy had woken up, he'd been rather scared, and had tried to reason his way out, but Tex wasn't often reasonable, and had simply left him there.
But come five fifty-three in the evening, when the sun had gone down, she'd been standing in the basement, watching the chained boy, tranquilizer gun ready. His screams would echo through the large house as he transformed, and his screams turned to howls, which were abruptly cut off as she shot him with two more tranquilizer bullets.
When he'd come to again, he had a thick, heavy muzzle on to keep him from barking, or howling. Or biting. And she was standing just out of reach of the large wolf, though he was held near to the ground, with both front paws, and his neck, all chained to the ground.
Texas had looked particularly smug, and was turning to shout for Horrible to come to the basement. She had a surprise.