Pie, please!

Feb 05, 2009 18:12

Who: Chuck and Clarice
When: Thursday, February 5, afternoonish
Where: The bakery
What: dessert!
Rating: with these two?  PG for sure :D

Chuck was out and about again... )

chuck bartowski, clarice ferguson, *status-complete

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nerdherderchuck February 11 2009, 04:24:17 UTC
It was rather awesome, being able to talk with someone who could actually understand what he was going through. Casey and Sarah had known, of course, but they couldn't feel what Chuck was feeling, no matter how much time they'd spent with him.

Answering her question, though, was a bit more difficult.

"There was this guy, Bryce- he was my best friend, back in college," Chuck began. "One day, I get this random email from him. I open it, and next thing I know it's 12 hours later, and I'm waking up on the floor of my room, with this thing in my brain," Chuck grimaced, pointing to his head.

He sighed, thinking a moment.

"The worst part is I have no control over it. The second I see anything that has any connection up here, these words and images just start flashing in front of my eyes. I can't do a thing about it," he frowned, shaking his head. "It sucks."


never_blink February 11 2009, 09:23:40 UTC
The next thing you know, it's hours later, and you're waking up, and everything has changed.

Clarice realized she was staring at Chuck, the lavender of her skin paling a shade toward grey. But there was no reason to overreact. He wasn't talking about people dying because of his ability, or whatever the thing in his head ought to be called. But she knew what it felt like to have something inside you over which you had no control.

"Why - why would your friend want to put something like that inside you?" Take someone who was normal, and curse them with a mutant ability? Why would anyone do that to someone they cared about? "He must have had some reason for it... right?"

She worried her lower lip between her teeth, trying to think if there was anything she could say which would help.

"Is it... would it be... possible, do you think? to learn how to control it? Even a little bit? I mean - I don't know anything at all about computers," she added quickly, looking down. "But, if it could be... reprogrammed?"


nerdherderchuck February 12 2009, 02:08:04 UTC
"He was my best friend," Chuck clarified quickly. "Not so much after he got me kicked out of Stanford." Even though Chuck now knew why Bryce had done it, it still didn't take the sting out of the betrayal.

"He says he did it because he had to- the original computer had to be destroyed before it could fall into the wrong hands. So, into my brain it went," Chuck said, before he started thinking.

Somehow, the idea of reprogramming the computer had never occurred to him. Which was absolutely bizarre, considering his job, but... he'd always been so focused on being the source of intelligence, he'd never even dreamed of trying to control the thing.

"I- I don't know about reprogramming it," he finally said, after staring off into space for several long moments. "I mean, I do know a lot about computers, and I wouldn't even know where to start!"


never_blink February 15 2009, 09:10:46 UTC
His best friend had gotten him kicked out of school? Of course Clarice knew from having your friends turn on you, too, but it didn't sound as if this friend had found something out about Chuck that had made him decide he didn't like him. Quite the opposite, if he'd been the one to put the computer in Chuck's head after getting him kicked out of school. Who would do that to somebody they called a friend?

"That's awful," she said in a small voice. "I mean, if he had to put the computer - and I'm sure he had reasons for all of it - but... getting you kicked out of school and then doing something like that to you without even asking?" Clarice flushed; she wasn't one to pass judgment on people, but... "He doesn't sound like a very good friend, really at all."

She was surprised when he seemed to give her suggestion serious thought, and she was quick to shake her head when he'd finished, holding up her hands in quick protest. "Oh, of course - I mean - I don't know anything at all, like I said. I'm sure it wouldn't work, I just thought... I ( ... )


nerdherderchuck February 17 2009, 02:11:48 UTC
Chuck shook his head emphatically- Clarice had not been wrong about anything. Quite the opposite, actually.

"No, it isn't silly. In fact, it's probably one of the best ideas I've ever heard!" A genuine grin crept across Chuck's face as a glimmer of hope appeared in his mind.

"You know, I never thought I could really do anything about it- but you're right! Why sit here and let it control me- I mean, it's my brain, after all, I should have some say of what goes on in there, right? I mean-" Chuck let out a small, stunned breath, looking at Clarice with a mixture of thanks and adoration.

"Brilliant. You are brilliant! And you make awesome pie, by the way," he added, smiling again and pointing at the slice of pie with his fork. "I may have to come back tomorrow just to try another kind!!"


never_blink February 22 2009, 17:40:38 UTC
Clarice blinked at him in surprise. "...Really?" Had she really offered something that might be helpful? More likely he was just trying to be nice, but he seemed so sincerely excited about the idea... Suddenly she was pleased she'd spoken up. "If - if that really helps you, then... then good!"

But when he complimented the pie she was quick to wave her hands in denial. "Oh no, no, I didn't make that - Bethanne makes all the pies. I'm learning how, but... I'm not very good yet. Not like she is. You should try more kinds, they're all amazing."


nerdherderchuck February 25 2009, 04:24:35 UTC
Chuck nodded, smiling at Clarice.

"It will help, really. It at least gives me hope that I can do something about it." That in itself was an amazing thought.

He grinned as she denied making the pies, again struck by how cute her voice was.

"Well, if you ever need any taste-testers for experimental pies, I will gladly volunteer. Even bad pie can't be all that bad, right?"


never_blink February 26 2009, 07:58:27 UTC
"I don't think they're that bad," Clarice assured him solemnly. "Lulu's helping me practice, too. She loves to bake. Have you met Lulu? I think she knows just about everybody in the whole town." And sometimes seemed to be determined that Clarice should, as well.


nerdherderchuck February 27 2009, 02:40:00 UTC
"Yeah, I met Lulu- last week, actually!" Chuck smiled. "She's very... friendly. She was telling me all the things there were to do in town, and that I should get out more. Hence the exploring for pie this afternoon!"

Chuck took another bite of his (quickly disappearing) pie, nodding at Clarice.

"How do you know Lulu?" He asked, his mouth still partly full of pie. "Does she really just know everyone?"


never_blink February 27 2009, 09:03:19 UTC
Clarice smiled down at her clasped hands. There were few truer words to describe Lulu than 'friendly'.

"I really think she does. But I live - she lets me live at her house," she explained softly. "Moira lives there too - have you met Moira? She found me right after I came here, and they've let me stay with them ever since. I really don't know what I would have done without them. They're just wonderful."


nerdherderchuck February 28 2009, 18:37:07 UTC
"That's great," Chuck smiled. "That you found such great friends, I mean." Good friends like that were a rare find, and Chuck was, for some strange reason, glad to think that Clarice had people looking out for her.

The pie was nearly gone, and Chuck frowned at it. "Well, looks like I'm about finished here," he said, taking the last bite.


never_blink March 2 2009, 21:30:20 UTC
"Oh." Suddenly Clarice remembered that she was supposed to be the wait staff here and popped out of her chair, all anxious and fluttery again. "Oh, can I - can I get you anything else? More tea? I won't spill it on you, I promise."


nerdherderchuck March 3 2009, 23:18:44 UTC
"No, no!" Chuck said quickly shaking his head. "I'm fine, Clarice, I promise," he assured her, smiling.

He hadn't yet paid, though, which occurred to him as he stood up.

"So how much is this wonderful pie going to set me back?" he asked, taking out his wallet. "Really, you could charge an arm and a leg for these pies, and I don't think anybody would mind!"


never_blink March 5 2009, 02:57:38 UTC
"Oh, it's just - $2.25 for the pie." Obviously she wouldn't be charging him for the iced tea. She'd spilled it all over him! If it had been totally up to her, Clarice probably would have given him the pie on the house too as an apology, but the shop's policies regarding stuff like that weren't up to her to determine.


nerdherderchuck March 5 2009, 03:20:02 UTC
Chuck smiled, walking over to the cash register and handing Clarice a $5 bill- he was still getting used to the weird Canadian money and the fact that their $1 were coins!

"Wonderful and inexpensive. This may have just become my new favorite place in town," he grinned. "Oh, and friendly servers, too!"


never_blink March 8 2009, 06:06:28 UTC
There were people from all over the place here, and Clarice had had to get used to far weirder conversions than US to Canadian. She had a little cheat sheet here behind the register, but it looked like she wouldn't need it this time. His comment about the service made her cheeks heat up again, and she busied herself counting out his change.

"Please come back anytime," she said, and she meant it. "We have very good sandwiches, and - and muffins and things. It was very nice meeting you, I really am so awfully sorry about the tea."


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