It picks up Feelings

Feb 05, 2009 02:27

Who: Owen and Ianto. Closed-ish?
What: Owen kidnaps Ianto.
When: Feb. 05 mid-afternoon
Where: Ianto's flat. Then...somewhere?

Simply insufficient. )

ianto jones, owen harper, *status-complete

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freelanceryork February 9 2009, 03:52:48 UTC
As they walked along, they'd pass the adjacent street that the older Freelancer was walking down. Jeans and a t-shirt (long sleeve) along with duty boots, and a knee-length uniform trench coat-- it was black, with the Freelancer patch on the shoulder, and little else. No rank stripes (for he had no real rank) and no metals (because those were lost forever, in the future). And when the blue-eyed blonde with the dreamy smile noticed that the coffee boy, Barista, the AI supplied for the hundredth time, was one of the two men ahead of him. So he lifted a hand and gave a short wave as their paths began to intersect.

Once close enough, he smiled and pushed both hands into the pockets of his jacket again. "Hello, Ianto." And shortly after that greeting, he was smiling at his friend. "Hello." It was too cold out to be so pleased with the world.


teapot_jones February 9 2009, 04:22:31 UTC
"I was a berk," he agreed, looking down and smiling at his shoes. "A complete berk. You, however, followed me around like a little puppy. Now that's something to remember." Owen looking to Ianto for approval? He would never ever forget this.

When they bumped into York, Ianto looked up and smiled, offering a little wave. "Hallo. Met Owen, yet? Owen, have you met York?" It was entirely possible that they met. The town was small, after all.


kingoftheweevil February 9 2009, 04:48:09 UTC
"Oi! I had a rough childhood!" Owen nudged the other in the arm, scowling and ready to defend his honor (against...well, whatever it was) when his attention drew to the new boy. Owen lifted an eyebrow. Pretty. Too pretty. Too...Brad Pitt for his tastes.

Owen held out a hand. "Dr. Owen Harper. Just...York? A bit Cher, don't you think? Or Madonna?"


freelanceryork February 9 2009, 05:02:07 UTC
"New York." He laughed some then and lifted his eyebrows. "Not so much like Cher, or Madonna." He had no idea who Cher was.. but he knew Madonna.

And he was accepting his hand for a firm shake. "Doctor, is it? Impressive. Wish I had an impressive title like 'Doctor', or 'Barista'." He released his hand then and pushed his own gloveless limb back into his jacket pocket. "It's a little cold to be wandering around, isn't it?" It was so strange to him, that people liked to be out in this weather.


teapot_jones February 9 2009, 05:10:51 UTC
Madonna still exists in the future. Good to know.

Still. He had a misconception to correct. Ianto looked over, eyebrow cocked in a bit of mild confusion. "Erm. Barista is my job. It just means someone who makes coffee, in this day and age. It isn't really my title." No more than teaboy was his title, though if you asked Owen...

"We're off to find .. oh, bloody hell, you missed the entire childification that happened here, didn't you? For about a week, we were all turned into children. Owen and I are looking for the thing that did it." He shifted from foot to foot, then shrugged. "Up for a bit of a stupid adventure or are you off to somewhere?"


kingoftheweevil February 9 2009, 05:34:45 UTC
"Yeah, he's more of a teaboy, anyway." Psychic connection. Seriously. He was about to ask why he hadn't seen York in town when Ianto spoke up. It made sense, the new boy. Especially if he wasn't much of a drinker.


freelanceryork February 9 2009, 19:39:44 UTC
"I'm definitely up for some stupid adventure." He smirked and lifted his eyebrows at the both of them, blue eyes sliding first to Owen, when he designated Ianto as 'tea boy' then back to the tea boy himself. "Doctor and Tea Boy then." He corrected with a slow grin, even as Delta informed him that his sensors indicated that Owen Harper was only joking..

It was still funny.

"Where are we off to?" Because he was bored out of his mind here, and was definitely going.


teapot_jones February 10 2009, 01:58:37 UTC
"...Not teaboy, either. Definitely not teaboy. Just .. Ianto. Mister Jones if you need to." He gave Owen a shove for that one, even if he knew it was coming. Delta'd probably register a rise in the temperature of Ianto's face for that one.

Ianto gestured to the device in Owen's hands. "That thing's leading us there. At least, I think it is."


kingoftheweevil February 10 2009, 02:18:21 UTC
"Well, the beeps are coming a bit faster." Owen examined the monitor, punching a few buttons to unknown effect. "So I guess that's a good thing. Either that or bloody thing's gone on the fritz." Though, with Toshiko's tampering, that was hardly the case.`


teapot_jones February 10 2009, 15:57:56 UTC
"It did get banged about a bit, but if Tosh looked at it, it's more than likely alright." Since that was one of the pieces that had originally been stolen and subsequently bought back. Ianto looked over Owen's shoulder at the little screen, then looked up around them, tugging a bit on the edge of his blue hat. After a moment, he gestured with his chin. "That way, I think. Shall we?"


freelanceryork February 10 2009, 16:18:07 UTC
"So you have no interesting title, either?" York prompted with a smile, but would simply allow it to pass, as he noticed the little monitor that Owen was holding, and it caught both his and Delta's attention. Delta began explaining the type of equipment used to create the device, but couldn't tell what it was designed to do.

"What's that for?" The device, of course. But York was coming up along Ianto's other side, to look past him (sort of over his shoulder) to focus down on the screen. Huh.


kingoftheweevil February 10 2009, 16:41:49 UTC
"It's a rift monitor." Owen lifted the thing up closer for York to see as he explained -- it was surprisingly light in his hands. "Back in Torchwood it kept track of the energy coming from the time-space rift -- Tosh rewired it to react to any sort of alien energy."


teapot_jones February 10 2009, 22:26:40 UTC
"It's the portable version. The version it's based off of is still in Cardiff. Where the Rift is, of course. No other Rifts on Earth, I don't think." Ianto peered over Owen's shoulder again, then hooked an arm over Owen and York to begin tugging them in the direction of the beepy thing. It was all well and good to stand about and talk, but Ianto wasn't interested in freezing his bollocks off.

He needed them later.

"No titles. Just Ianto. Never really went for titles." Mainly because Junior Researcher was bloody stupid and Archivist was nearly as bad.


freelanceryork February 11 2009, 19:43:40 UTC
"Rift monitor? Like.. a rift that allows things to come through it? Aliens, monsters, people from the future, things like that? Wow. And there's a bigger one?" York was impressed.

Delta wanted one of his own.

"So we're hunting down aliens? Or titles for you and I?" He flashed a quick grin over at Ianto. "Or are we looking for whatever caused everyone to turn into children? Does that sort of stuff happen around here often?" Something told him that it did.. and something insisted that it probably wasn't always a fluke accident.


kingoftheweevil February 11 2009, 23:48:04 UTC
"Yup. Rift in time and space, pretty boy." Owen protested briefly to being hooked along, as if worried his manhood might be at stake. But Ianto's intent was understood; he didn't think any of their odd trio wanted to be in the cold for longer than necessary.

He couldn't quite account for York, though. York seemed a bit -- off.


So did the rest of the town.

"The answers to all your questions are; No, no, yes, and yes." Owen peered down, wiping at the screen to better see the readings and turned their direction four degrees south-west. They were passing the shops downtown, quickly approaching the edge of their twisted little city.


teapot_jones February 12 2009, 00:03:41 UTC
"Yes, what he said. Rift. Time. Space. Mainly sealed but kind of leaking. Has nothing to do with this, though." He looked over at York, who was indeed pretty, and blinked from under his blue hat. "I think we can exist without titles, unless you'd really like one." He was certain they could come up with something.

When they came to the edge of town, Ianto relinquished his grip and tucked his hands into his pockets. "Where to?"


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