
Jan 18, 2009 02:26

Who:  Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Sirius Black and Remus and Teddy Lupin.
What:  In response to this.
When:  2:36am. Sunday morning, until about 1pm Sunday afternoon.
Where:  Snape/Potter/Lupin Residence
Rating:  Relatively low.
Status:  Complete

Sleepless nights.. )

severus snape, sirius black, remus lupin, teddy lupin, harry potter, *status-complete

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Sometime... later? bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 02:50:00 UTC
When Sirius woke up in the middle of the night- well, closer to early in the morning, he supposed- the first thing he did was panic. The space beside him was cool and empty, which meant that Remus was not in it. Sirius shot out of bed and searched every room of the house, calling Remus's name, before he finally collapsed onto the couch and forced himself to think this through as calmly as he could manage. Pushing his hands through his hair, he forced several deep breaths into his lungs ( ... )


Sometime after Harry had gone after Snape! the_five_signs January 20 2009, 03:07:31 UTC
Remus had stayed in the livingroom as Harry had gone to see Severus. He'd cleaned up Teddy and had sent him up to his room to grab some toys so they could play in the livingroom together. When the knock came, he went to the door and peeked out the small window, then pulled the door open with a little smile. "Sirius--" He glanced back to the stairs, then moved quietly out of the way so his counterpart could come inside.

"Harry and Severus are talking.. I hope. We should be quiet."


bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 03:11:39 UTC
"Quiet my arse! I woke up and you were nowhere to be found! Remus, you scared the piss out of me!" Sirius exclaimed, making a weak, barely successful attempt to keep his voice down as he reached out to clutch Remus's shoulders. "Merlin, don't do that to me! What the bloody hell are you doing here at this hour, anyway?"


the_five_signs January 20 2009, 03:21:03 UTC
"I'm sorry, Sirius. But--" He hesitated, and moved his hands up to grip onto Sirius' biceps as his shoulders were clutched in return. "Harry needed to speak with me. I needed to speak with him." After all, it was about nine in the morning by now.. still quite early for visiting.


bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 03:29:22 UTC
It was impossible to stay very cross with Remus, but Sirius maintained it as well as he could. "You couldn't have left a bloody note? Woken me up? Something to let me know that you weren't lying in a ditch somewhere with your limbs cut off?!" Sirius unconsciously tugged Remus closer at the image, shuddering inwardly.

"What could you have possibly needed to talk about that couldn't have waited?"


the_five_signs January 20 2009, 03:46:53 UTC
"Please, keep your voice down." But he was smiling some as he said it. "I'm so sorry I didn't leave a note, but I just.. I thought I'd be back before now." He leaned in a little nearer, hands tightening in their hold. "But I'm just here. Limbs all in tact."


bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 04:07:57 UTC
Sirius let out a short breath through his nose, a clear indication that he was still irritated, even if he was about to forgive Remus. And hug him tightly in relief. "I just worry," he said into Remus's ear, squeezing him close. "Suppose your mother hen routine had to rub off on me sometime."


the_five_signs January 20 2009, 04:09:45 UTC
"I suppose something did.. you've been rubbing off on me for years." He gave him a brief kiss on the mouth, then pulled away shortly after. "I'll be home as soon as I'm done here. I'm just watching Teddy while they talk." He glanced towards the stairs again.


bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 04:39:20 UTC
Nodding as Remus backed away from the short kiss, Sirius realized suddenly that there was something he needed to say. Gods, he was a git. There he was tearing into Remus for neglecting him for a few hours, and Sirius was the one who'd been... well. Not the world's best boyfriend as of late, to put it lightly. (Or, he was well aware and quite guilty about, the world's best godfather.) "Moony? I'm sorry." He caught Remus's hand.


the_five_signs January 20 2009, 04:42:54 UTC
The werewolf seemed confused then, inclining his head to regard their clasped hands before he looked back up at Sirius, pale hair falling into his eyes (and it'd likely be then that Sirius would notice the streak of gray in his hair, a streak he hadn't originally gained until about twenty-one, but it'd come early this time around). "Sorry? Sirius, you have nothing to be sorry for. You haven't done anything wrong." Assured with another smile, as he tightened his hand on the other man's.


bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 04:49:27 UTC
"I dunno," Sirius laughed as their fingers tangled, even if he did know. "I just... I haven't really been there for you like I should be lately. Have I?" There, see, Remus? He wasn't a completely hopeless case all of the time. He did realize his errors... usually... at least when it came to his partner.


the_five_signs January 20 2009, 04:51:56 UTC
Blue eyes lowered when he said that... a dead giveaway that he knew exactly what Sirius was talking about, but then they lifted again, to lock onto gray. "You've been fantastic, Sirius. You always are. And I love you. So don't go thinking anything different. You're perfect."


bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 05:02:49 UTC
Why could Remus always do that? Make the cool, confident Sirius Black feel like a pile of warm jelly? Still, he wasn't completely at ease. He squeezed his hand. "I love you too. But I... I'm not perfect. Remus, when you were... you know. Little. It... it was a little hard for me to deal with, you know? And I feel like there's been this... this thing there ever since, and I'm afraid I've been putting up a wall or something. And I don't want to push you away, Moony, I really, really don't."


the_five_signs January 20 2009, 05:08:50 UTC
"You're perfect for me." Quietly ammended as he tightened his hand a little, then relaxed it. "I understand that it was hard for you to deal with. And I understand that I wasn't the easiest child to get along with. But.. if you need time, then I'll let you have time. But you haven't been pushing me away."


bloodydrapery January 20 2009, 06:42:17 UTC
Breathing deep, Sirius pulled Remus close again and hugged him tightly. "I don't. I don't need time. I only need you." After a second of quiet and a light kiss to Remus's neck, Sirius released him and flashed a small, crooked smile. "I em... I think I owe someone else an apology too. And somehow I doubt he'll be nearly as forgiving as you are."


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