
Jan 18, 2009 02:26

Who:  Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Sirius Black and Remus and Teddy Lupin.
What:  In response to this.
When:  2:36am. Sunday morning, until about 1pm Sunday afternoon.
Where:  Snape/Potter/Lupin Residence
Rating:  Relatively low.
Status:  Complete

Sleepless nights.. )

severus snape, sirius black, remus lupin, teddy lupin, harry potter, *status-complete

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the_five_signs January 18 2009, 07:49:11 UTC
Remus had been shifting on the doorstep while waiting for a response. He waited all of three seconds before he lost his nerve and was turning to go-- luckily, the door opened just then, and the werewolf turned to face it, bright blue eyes locking onto Harry instantly. His breath caught in his throat and he couldn't think of a single thing to say.. so he only stood there, shivering in the cold, and stared at the older (younger) man in front of him. This was what he'd wanted. He'd come all the way over here in response to two stupid little words, and now he couldn't think of anything to say at all.

He wanted to hug Harry. He wanted to step inside and grab hold of the green-eyed man in front of him and hold on. But Remus Lupin didn't do things like that. His reserved nature kept him from doing it. His worry of being rejected kept him from doing it. And his frozen, aching bones kept him from doing it.

So he only stood there and stared, cheeks flushed from the cold, or embarrassment, or both. He couldn't even muster up a 'Hello, Harry'. All he could do was stand there and stare, like the idiot wolf he was, as the heat from the house escaped and the freezing air from outside rushed in.


a_jade_phoenix January 18 2009, 07:54:06 UTC
Oh. Weird. Wonderful, his mind supplied unhelpfully. Brilliant, it tried again, and Harry found himself returning that uncertain stare with one of his own. His chest tightened with his fingers on the doorknob. Reality was very, very weird. He blinked a couple of times until he forced himself to do something. It turned out that something was stepping back and opening the door further to let Remus inside. He wanted him to come inside.

I missed you. Harry let the door shut after Remus and stood there without an iota of confidence radiating from his pose. They were both idiots. Tell me you did too.

"I have your mittens still. If you want them back," Harry whispered. Not simply because he didn't want to wake anyone, but because he couldn't get his voice to go louder.


the_five_signs January 18 2009, 08:01:23 UTC
When Harry opened the door wider, Remus came forward wordlessly, knocking the snow off of his boots out of habit, then stepping inside, arms wound tightly around himself, fingers tucked into fists to protect them from the cold. Once the door closed, the werewolf turned to face Harry again and wet suddenly chapped lips. Slowly, he uncrossed his arms and pressed his hands down over his sides, letting them slide over his hips. It was far too cold for his hands to be clammy, but they felt like they were, regardless.

It was a hard task to get Remus to look uncomfortable, at any age. Yet here he stood, in the living room of his best friend's son's home, and he couldn't have looked more out of place. He didn't look quite uncomfortable per-se, but he did look unsure, a rare facial expression on the always collected man.

Thankfully, Harry finally broke the long awkward silence. And Lupin shook his head in response, his voice just as low, and for the same reasons. "They were a gift. They're yours." And with those few words, blue eyes had become damp. Oh, Remus, you were an idiot. You could control yourself better than that. The werewolf hadn't cried since he was six. Yet, talking about mittens made his eyes misty? He needed to have his head examined. But for now, he was tightening up his jaw in an effort to force the emotion down and become calm again. Remus Lupin did not show emotion like that, and he certainly didn't cry. He was a rock. He was the solid force. Rocks didn't cry.


a_jade_phoenix January 18 2009, 08:05:47 UTC
A shudder passed through Harry with a rapidity that catapulted him forward, arms outstretched. He couldn't stop himself if he chose to. And at that moment, Harry couldn't have chosen a damn thing he wanted more than this. His forehead hit Remus' shoulder right as his arms wound around Remus' back.

He was choking without making a sound.

Remus never cried. Ever. Even after being sacked, even when being told off by someone twenty years younger, even when happy. It didn't happen, and Harry felt his own eyes begin to burn anew in reaction. They were both so stupid.


the_five_signs January 18 2009, 08:13:39 UTC
When Harry hit him, the werewolf took half a step back and planted his back foot to hold himself firm, and he wrapped his arms around the darker-haired man in return, pulling him in more tightly against his cold body. Both hands gripped hard into the shirt he was wearing and the former Professor held on as if for dear life. He allowed his face to turn, so that his cheek rest against Harry's temple, and he made a soft, soothing sound near to his ear. Remus Lupin didn't cry. He wasn't about to start now. But that didn't keep his eyes from remaining damp. But it was easier to be strong for other people than to be strong for yourself.

"I love you, Harry. Did I never tell you that, when I was older? Did I not tell you enough? I love you. And it's only been three days and I miss you." What Remus had trouble saying with actions, he often had better luck saying with words. He wasn't so good at putting emotions into words.. but he had to try, and it came out as just whispers, against the shell of Harry's ear.


a_jade_phoenix January 18 2009, 08:19:24 UTC
Hands on his back steadying him coupled with a steady rush of reassuring whispers and Harry's brain seemed to be misfiring in triple time. The entire world felt unsteady beneath his feet. He couldn't blame all of it on a lack of sleep either. He hardly slept before all of this either.

No. No Remus hadn't said it, but Harry'd known it, or at least suspected it. Hardly anyone had said it to him. Hermione might have once or twice but everyone else implied it heavily. It wasn't entirely British to become soppy like that. Harry'd known that since he was a small child, but as a small child no one had loved him either.

The fact that this settled on him like a heavy weight made him grip Remus tighter. It was too late at night for this sort of thing and he sighed shakily.

"Are you sure? I'm pretty bad at everything, what's to miss?" Harry joked weakly. He'd say it before Remus left that night. Not just that he'd missed him like someone'd removed his spleen without his express permission, but how much him saying that meant. Even after five years.


the_five_signs January 18 2009, 08:27:43 UTC
"I've never been so sure of anything in my life, Harry Potter." He spoke near his ear again, tightening his arms a bit more, hands shaking just some in their grip, before he loosened them enough that it wouldn't hurt anymore.

"What are you still doing up? You should be sleeping. Come on, sit down." It was only then that the werewolf was very carefully extracting himself from Harry, only enough that he could begin to move them towards the couch in the living room. He wouldn't release him completely, but he didn't want them to trip over one another and crash into the floor at two thirty in the morning, either.

Once at the couch, Lupin was sitting down, pulling Harry to sit with him, so they were both nearly on the same cushion, thighs, hips, and sides still touching in a very intimate manner. "Can I get you some tea?" He was finally extracting one hand to attempt to briefly smooth that always-crazy hair, but it was impossible, as always. And it was in the paler light of the dim living room that the streak of gray (maybe two inches wide, along his temple) would show up starkly against sandy brown hair. Remus had earned himself a bit of gray. A bit too early. But he was smiling, at least.


a_jade_phoenix January 18 2009, 08:43:09 UTC
Pink rose up into his cheeks and he bowed his head. He came slowly after Remus, holding on as tightly as he dared, not for a second letting himself do more than hope that Remus wouldn't leave.

"I haven't really slept in two days." He'd managed maybe six hours between the two nights. This wasn't abnormal to him anymore. He had always had some issues sleeping. If the weather wasn't so poor, he would have likely gone for a walk instead of staring at his computer screen. This, thought, was much better.

Harry leaned into Remus, sighing quietly at the fingers through his hair. He needed Remus to stay for the night. No matter how utterly selfish that made him in the morning. He needed his friend to stay more than he needed tea, that was for certain.

"It's my home," Harry pointed out, returning Remus' smile with a weary one of his own, "don't you have that a bit backwards?"


the_five_signs January 18 2009, 08:48:29 UTC
"I'm allowed to worry." Reminded quietly, and he was scooting some to the side, but it was evident why just a few seconds later. The werewolf was gently tugging Harry down, so that he'd have his head settled in the lighter man's lap. And once Harry was settled there, Remus pushed his fingers through dark hair again, while his other hand reached back for the blanket on the back of the couch. He tugged it down so that it would fall onto Harry's chest in a blatant manner. It was cold. Use the blanket.

"Get some sleep, if you can. I'll stay. I'll stay right here, and I won't move, until you wake up." Quietly assured down to him. "You need to rest." And all Remus wanted to do was hold onto him like this, and stroke his hair. He wasn't usually touchy feely, and he wasn't often eager to be so close with someone for so long. But he couldn't have moved away from Harry now even if he tried.


a_jade_phoenix January 18 2009, 08:58:39 UTC
"You shouldn't need to," Harry pointed out with a wry smile as he shuffled around on the sofa until he was stretched out along it, feet over the armrest and head nestled on Remus' lap. Warm and safe, Harry let his eyes slide shut for the first time that night. He inhaled deeply to stifle a yawn and he started when the blanket dropped on him.

He opened his eyes up with an unhappy frown as he kicked the blanket into place so it was covering him from his chest to feet. Never growing particularly tall the blanket covered him perfectly.

Settled, Harry breathed in and out freely and mumbled into Remus' knees, "I missed you too."


the_five_signs January 18 2009, 09:06:27 UTC
Remus chose to say nothing to that admission. Rather, he thread his fingers into Harry's dark locks again and took in a slow breath through his nose. And the werewolf would stare down at Harry long after the other fell asleep. In fact, he'd stare down at him until he himself fell asleep, sitting upright on the couch, with his hand in Harry's hair. His head had fallen slightly to the side and down just a touch, enough to knock pale hair into closed eyes. But he'd fallen asleep much easier than he had in days. Even when the sun came up, he didn't stir, only sat there, a sleeping sentinel over the Boy Who Lived.


ickle_teddy January 18 2009, 09:15:22 UTC
Teddy woke up with the sun, kicking off his covers and tumbled off his bed. He beamed, happy to be home again and hurried out of his room toward Harry and Severus'. He peered in the door and saw only Severus lying in bed. Frowning in only a way a four year old could, Teddy left the doorway without waking Severus and ran through the house in search of Harry.

What if Harry'd gone away again? He wouldn't leave again though, he promised he wouldn't when they'd gone to the hotel because Harry wanted to. Harry had promised. Unhappy tears mixed with drying saliva and snot trickling from his nose as he moved through the rooms, seeking and not finding Harry.

A hiccuping sob caught in his throat as he ran to the last room, and he stopped. His face scrunched in confusion at the strange sight, and he doubled back in search of Severus. He had to tell him that Harry was okay and he didn't have to worry and ask if it was okay if Mr. Remus stayed for breakfast with them, and if they'd finally have pancakes, because Severus had promised him pancakes and they still hadn't had them yet. And he really wanted them.

Scurrying into Harry and Severus' bedroom, Teddy jumped up onto the bed and started shaking Severus immediately.

"Sev'us! Get up!" he demanded. "Up! Up!"


reluctant_pawn January 18 2009, 17:12:13 UTC
Snape woke with a start and reached blindly for his wand on the bedside table. When he realized it was merely Teddy, he fell back against the pillows, groaning. "Teddy, I've told you not to do that."

"Sev'us wake up," Teddy repeated, shaking him again.

Snape opened his eyes and looked at Teddy. It was obvious he'd been crying. "What's the matter? Are you hurt?" he asked, his eyes looking for any obvious lumps or bruises as he sat up. "What happened and where's your father?"


ickle_teddy January 18 2009, 18:46:47 UTC
"He's sleepin' come see," Teddy said, bouncing on his knees. "Can we have pantakes? With booberries?"

"Yes, we can have pancakes," Snape muttered, throwing his feet over the side of the bed.

Teddy grabbed his hand, pulling him into the living room. "Shh they're sleeping," he whispered softly. Snape stopped dead in his tracks, frowning at the sight in front of him. Lovely.

He quietly walked Teddy back to his bedroom. "Get dressed, we're going out for pancakes," he told him, grabbing a sweatshirt and helping him pull it over his head over his pajama top. "Put some pants on and your shoes, I'll be right back."

Snape went to his room and pulled on some clothes, then returned to find Teddy tying his shoes.

"Is Harry and Remus comin' too?"

Snape's jaw clenched. "No, they're sleeping. They can eat when they wake up."


Snape summoned their coats, bundling up Teddy, then himself. Having what they needed, he Disapparated them.


a_jade_phoenix January 18 2009, 18:55:38 UTC
Harry's eyes were open at the crack that echoed around the room and blearily, he raised a hand to his face to brush the sleep away. His eyes found Remus' sleeping face and he grinned, embarrassed by how desperately he'd needed him the night before and glad to see him still there.

None of that explained who had just Apparated into or Disapparted out of his house. He groaned as he sat up, rolling his shoulders to relieve the stiffness around his neck. Remus wouldn't be much better when he woke up, Harry was sure.

His eyes sought and found the clock on the wall and after reading it for a few uncomprehending moments, he realized what happened.

"I hope you like toast," Harry muttered more to himself than to Remus, though the inquiry was directed toward his friend, or whatever he was supposed to think of Remus as now.


the_five_signs January 18 2009, 19:44:17 UTC
Remus shifted some when the disapparation happened, but he didn't wake. He was used to the noise and the shift in magic, because of the comings and goings of his significant other-- yeah. The mutt. But when Harry moved and finally sat up, tired blue eyes slowly opened and he stared at the ceiling for a moment, then lifted his head some and made a small noise of disapproval deep in his throat. He lifted a hand to rub at the back of his neck. Oh, he was sore from sleeping upright. But then he was focusing blue eyes onto Harry, as the other turned his attention to the clock.

So when Harry spoke, Remus smiled slowly. "You've got to have more than toast in this house with a boy that age.." He rolled his shoulders back and moved his hand from his neck to his stiff shoulders. And his legs were asleep, from the weight of Harry having been on them all night. He was still dressed in his coat, and was still wearing his boots-- and his PJs beneath it all. "Did you sleep well?" They were both sore, but Remus had slept better than he had in a long time.


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