uh oh.

Jan 10, 2009 18:43

Who: Laura and Lorne and anyone who can help!
Where: Ara
When: After Tamara gets baby!napped D:
Rating: PG?

I don't remember... )

lorne, kara 'starbuck' thrace, !plot, laura roslin, *status-complete

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absent_apollo January 12 2009, 01:33:31 UTC
Lee had (reluctantly) left Lily on her own with a nine year old Zak, a nine year old Moira, and a twenty-four year old (going on thirteen) Sirius. But if his brother had been turned into a child, and he couldn't remember anything, then maybe Kara and his father, or even the President, could be just a child and out on the streets without any idea who they were. And that thought worried him.

So after checking their community board, he'd grabbed his jacket, apologized to Lily, and had begun heading out-- But Remus had piped up and asked to go along as well, in case Harry was there. And with some reluctance, Lee had allowed him. So it wasn't just the viper pilot who came through the door dressed warmly in a trench coat.. it was also a blue-eyed (exhausted looking) blonde boy with dark circles under his eyes. Lee had let Remus in first, and after kicking the snow off their boots, they had both come inside the club. "Lorne." Called out from Lee as soon as he'd seen the normal-sized demon. "Have you seen my father, or the President? Or Kar.. oh Gods." That girl at the bar was Kara. And the teenager next to her.. Oh, man.


the_five_signs January 12 2009, 01:35:37 UTC
Remus had come in quietly with Lee and had paused not far inside the door while Lee had gone in further and apparently recognized the women at the bar. Tiredly, the young werewolf rocked onto his toes.. then lowered back down, and moved slowly into the club, eyes glancing about.. until they focused onto the large green man. He didn't look like a goblin. The blonde boy came to a stop about ten feet from Lorne and simply stared up at him.

He was big.

"Hello." Greeted quietly. Simply.


starbuckbuck January 12 2009, 01:38:20 UTC
"Oh, hi Lee." Kara said as she noticed him walk in, "Join me for a drink?" she quipped as she took the shot in one go.


redheadprophet January 12 2009, 01:43:56 UTC
Laura looked over, looking quite melancholy as she did because she'd given away a kid she didn't even remember having. And here was yet another person she didn't know at all.


not_kermit January 12 2009, 01:45:25 UTC
"You are not getting anymore, Pumpkin. You wanted to drink with Tall, Dark, and Gorgeous then you should have waited!" Lorne meant it when he said that Kara was getting one drink. She, as an older woman, could handle all the liquor she wanted. As a thirteen-year-old, Lorne was putting his hulk-like (in colour, not size) foot down. "I've been through drunken teenaged adults!"

Then there was a new person there, old but not old..and still old. "Hello, Poppet." Lorne smiled gently, then nodded his head toward the bar. "Let me get you some chocolate milk. Hot or cold?" Chocolate was magical no matter what the type of magic.

(Reply to this)(Parent)


absent_apollo January 12 2009, 01:46:33 UTC
Lee had been opening his mouth to find the words to try and explain this to her, but then she opened her mouth and he stared a moment.. then shut his mouth (it'd been hanging open, poor man) and gave her that same long-suffering look.

"My brother is nine and had no idea who he was. I had to convince him that I was time traveling from the future to get him to come with me. He's with a girl who's nine also, and they're.. they just don't stop talking." But he was slowly coming forward, attention focused onto the President for a moment. "..But yes, I'll have that drink." So Kara was small but could remember what happened? What about.. "Madam President?"


the_five_signs January 12 2009, 01:47:54 UTC
Remus nodded as Lorne offered the chocolate. "Hot, please." But his eyes were glued to Lorne curiously. What was he? Remus was wracking his young brain trying to figure out what looked as... strange as that man did. But he was coming up empty.


not_kermit January 12 2009, 02:11:21 UTC
There was something different about Remus too, but Lorne couldn't figure out what. He'd find out eventually, he figured.

Bright red eyes turned to the children of space (yes, Lee was included in that) and he watched them thoughtfully. "Laura, sweetheart, let's get some hot chocolate." It was like tea. Helped calm most people.

Stepping behind the bar, chuckling at something that Sal said, Lorne winked at his bartender and let him go for the nite. That was when he put some milk in a pan and let it warm up over the stove that was hidden in the corner. Lorne lived upstairs, so had the same amenities as a house tucked away this place or that.

"Questions are always encouraged here, Poppet." This to Remus. Who might just keep the nickname when he returned to regular age.


the_five_signs January 12 2009, 02:21:47 UTC
Remus glanced towards Lee.. then came over to the bar as well and climbed up onto a stool, wrapping his lower legs around the bars to help hold on and he folded his arms on the bar and laid his head on them, lower face buried in his arms while tired eyes watched the process of hot-chocolate making.

"Remus, sir." Simply corrected. But then he was lifting his head up again and breathing in deeply. "I don't mean to be impolite, but.. what are you? I've been through every book I can think of in my head, and I can't place you." God, the kid looked like he was going to fall of the stool and pass out.

Lee, down two seats at the bar, kept glancing over at him.. just to assure that the young boy wasn't doing exactly that.


redheadprophet January 12 2009, 02:32:08 UTC
Laura didn't really feel like moving, she just wanted to remember what was going on. Her hair was like a curtain over her features, masking her worry.

Brushing away tears, she thought about that poor baby. "What if I did something terrible?"


((yaay, have a young!Bill)) oldmanadama January 12 2009, 13:58:11 UTC
Bill wasn't quite sure where the hell this place was (apart from not being Caprica, or the Galactica) - but he knew a bar when he saw one.

Wandering in through the door, he found himself being strangely drawn to a red haired girl sitting at the bar.

"Miss?" he said, concerned. "Are you alright?"


redheadprophet January 12 2009, 14:04:40 UTC
Laura looked up and wiped at her eyes. "No, I'm not. I don't know where I am. I don't know...who anyone is. And on top of that, I supposedly have baby that I gave away to a stranger because I have amnesia and I didn't know any better."


oldmanadama January 12 2009, 14:30:46 UTC
"Here." Bill silently thanked the fact that his mother had taught him to always carry a handkerchief in his pocket - which he offered to the girl.

"If it helps, I think I may have amnesia too," he admitted. "Because I can't explain how the hell I got here." He shrugged. "All I know, it certainly isn't Caprica."

He looked at the girl again, and frowned. "This may seem strange, but do I know you from somewhere?"


redheadprophet January 12 2009, 14:45:23 UTC
Laura took the handkerchief gratefully, then looked up in surprise. "Caprica? You're from Caprica?" She was so glad to talk to someone who knew about her home that she threw her arms around him. When she realized what she was doing, she cleared her throat and pulled away with a little blush.

Studying his face, she felt another tug at her memory. His face seemed so familiar...but it didn't, all at the same time. "I don't think we've ever met. But we're from the same planet, so maybe we've seen each other?"


(( last one before I head off to bed :( )) oldmanadama January 12 2009, 15:03:00 UTC
Bill found himself smiling as the girl hugged him, though he couldn't quite figure out why. "Yeah, Caprica," he told her. "Though I haven't been back for a while."

There was something about this girl (aside from the fact that she was rather cute). "That's probably it," he said, nodding. "Passed by each other in the street several times, maybe." So why didn't it sound so convincing?

He soon dismissed that thought from his head, and held out a hand. "Bill Adama."


(no worries; I have to work, too.) redheadprophet January 12 2009, 15:05:26 UTC
The name Adama gave her pause, and she frowned a little deeper. "Adama," she said slowly. The name felt so familiar coming out of her mouth, and she looked up at him, searching his eyes.

Reaching for his hand, she let a smile briefly touch her lips. "I'm Laura Roslin. It's nice to actually meet you," she smiled softly.


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