Who: Matt Farrell and hopefull others
When: Tuesday Jan 6., morning
Where: Starting out in the coffee shop
What: Arriving and all that jazz.
Rating: N for nerdiness.
It's snowing like a mother outside. It's not like Matt's not used to snow, since he's lived on the East coast most of his life, and the past five months were in New York City during the winter and all, but jeez. Grimacing at the bitter taste of his coffee, Matt stands by the window in the coffee shop and eyes the sky warily.
He was determined to make this work, this whole "run away to Canada" thing, if only to prove to his friends -- okay, to the Warlock -- that it would work. As soon as word had gotten out that F4RR3LL was moving to Canada, everyone from the lowliest html spammer to the Warlock himself had poked fun at the hacker, hinting or right out saying he was a big fat loser for doing so. But, well, whatever. If Matt hadn't been determined to make it work before, he was even moreso now. He had his reasons for leaving New York and America and -- well, he was here, and it was snowing like shit, but whatever.
Matt rocked on his heels and dug his chin into the scratchy blue scarf wrapped around his neck. One hand was buried deep in the pocket of his old gray peacoat, the other cupped tightly around the paper cup of his latte. Eugh, coffee was awful. But he had needed the caffiene -- Canada had Mountain Dew, right? He needed to find the grocery store and stock up on necessities.