Left on the recipient's doorsteps around midnight along with a card "Love, Lulu"

Dec 25, 2008 00:12

Contained inside is a large plate of the cookies which the doctor is so fond of

Contained inside a package is a beautiful edition of Much Ado About Nothing.

Contained within is a state of the art coffee-maker. As well cookies for Ianto and Jack

Contained within is coffee, desserts, and various foods

Contained is a bear which Moira charmed to change colors with Teddy's mood (at Lulu's request) as well as one Christmas colored peanut butter brownie.

Left under the tree:

A nice book that Moira had been searching for all over



Also: Pretty much everyone in town -- excepting Tex -- should find
on their doorstep.

rupert psmith, sylar, the doctor, clarice ferguson, ianto jones, harry potter, *status-complete, severus snape, maxie jones, !gifts, dr. horrible, neil perry, lorne, teddy lupin, river tam, rose tyler, lulu spencer, nate archibald, kaylee frye, moira byrne

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