(no subject)

Aug 11, 2011 22:15

[Morning, 1446 Mitchell Road]

[The first thing Granny notices upon waking is, not surprisingly, that this is not her cottage and these are not her clothes. She would never own this ruffled nonsense.

As she searches the house, taking in the pictures and her surroundings, she comes to one conclusion.]

This ain't right at all. No, can't be having with this.

[Streets of Mayfield, late morning]

[Granny is stalking through the streets with purpose utterly in contradiction to the clothes she was able to find. She keeps glaring at drones that try to discuss Mrs. Smith's apple pies, to no effect. Apparently she needs to build her reputation back up, it obviously hasn't gotten far enough.]

Run along. Shoo!

[Afternoon, John Doe Park]

[Granny is wandering the park, examining plants and animals she comes across. Part of learning about a place.]

Nothing is this tidy. Ain't right at all.

ain't right, can't be having with this, can't hex the drones

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