Onwards to the next season!

Apr 12, 2013 22:53

Hakkenden : Touhou Hakken Ibun finished its first season with 13 episodes. I was finally able to finish off the remaining 3 episodes two nights ago since I am busy with class assignments and it's great news to know that Hakkenden will be continued with a second season, airing this SUMMER 2013.

Overall, it has been a fun journey watching Hakkenden due to the characters' priceless reaction. 8D

I just finished watching the first episode of Karneval. The second episode is currently downloading. From what I have seen in the first episode, I still have no idea what's going on besides the basic premise. Nai is searching for someone important to him who leaves behind a bracelet and Gareki is a thief. Their meeting is by pure chance. Then, there is an organization called Circus. It's colourful.

Other than that, I have started watching History Channel's 'Vikings' but I am not following it in the strictest sense. Unlike animanga, I can't follow dramas without being behind several episodes. Pushing Daisies another case because it ended for a long time when I started getting hooked with it. I watched two episodes of Vikings and currently behind with four episodes. Yes, vikings are violent.

What else have I been up to?

I finished the Part B of my drug monographs project. I should be able to finish Part A but something inside me tells me to wait. Also, the Socio-Cultural Change assignment for Sociology in Nursing I should have started, when am I starting?!

NFS World, why are you not initializing? *kicks*

fandom: karneval, !review, fandom: hakkenden

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