this is five months worth of film memories

Jan 09, 2013 16:27

I set up a queue for my Tumblr and surprisingly, that's one of the changes I made in 2013. Last year, I told myself, "There's no point in setting up a queue for the blog because I can't possibly wait to reblog them right away!". I actually scoffed, thinking of the impossible but I was wrong.

I was dead wrong.

In 2012, I discovered NEW FANDOMS.


It started with The Avengers. My sister invited me to watch The Avengers with the CF gang and it's massive because the entire theater is filled with CF people. Damn awesome. After that, I decided to watch Thor in the middle of the night by myself. Yes, Chris Hemsworth, you caught my heart right there, right then. I also gained appreciation for Thor. He's such an adorable character. And, since I am talking about two Marvel films, let's continue with the fact that I watched The Amazing Spider Man. The reason? Andrew Garfield. I think my feelings turned to butterflies just watching his character grow. Then, I watched X-Men First Class because, well, again, I like to see the actors.

I have Captain America : The First Avenger in the laptop and until now, I have no idea why I still didn't have the desire to watch it. Like, I should watch it. It's Capt's story, but ahn, laziness. The same can be said about the Iron Man series and The Incredible Hulk. ONE DAY I SHALL WATCH THEM.

Alright, enough about Marvel.

From America we go to the UK. Folks, let's meet Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston.

I heard of War Horse but never watched it. I didn't even know what the plot was all about but I was curious because MEN IN MILITARY UNIFORMS equals to YUM. Oh, and HORSES. Anyway, the reason I watch War Horse isn't because of the two men stated above (I found out about them a little while later and didn't bawl much over their characters' deaths) but because of Joey the Horse and Jeremy Irvine's character, Albert Naracott. The breaking point of the film for me is the reunion between Joey and Albert. I was full of FEELS that I repeated that scene a GAZILION of times. *sobs*

Onwards, The King's Speech. It is based on a true story about George VI with speech difficulties. Being an important figure, it is one of the biggest challenges if you can't speak in public. I personally feel everyone should watch this film because it contains awareness message that there are people around us that have speech difficulties. Despite being able to speak, sometimes I too stammer.

From the UK we return to the America because I also have watched Snow White and the Huntsman. I honestly have no idea for whose sake I am watching this film: Stewart or Hemsworth. I know people criticized Kristen Stewart being chosen to play Snow White stating that Charlize Theron is more beautiful as the Queen. Eh. Beautiful but vain versus plain but brave? I'd pick the latter! D:

Besides, I like her rabbit teeth. (It's cute!) Oh, and Chris Hemsworth, once, more, ah. Once, it's Thor and the Hammer. Now, it's the Huntsman and the Axe. But, let's return to the Hammer. YAY! XD

Now, animations.

I watched Disney & Pixar's Brave. I teared up when I watched the climax of the film. The bond between Merida and Elinor breaks my heart. Thankfully, my mother's relationship with me has always been good because I'm the youngest daughter therefore her baby (and still am!). Still, it's not always we get to see stories exploring the relationship between mother and daughter so it is a fresh concept. Oh, and the brothers being bear cubs. A-DORBS-R-ABLE! Oh, and the comedy is fun to watch.

In November, I watched Rise of the Guardians with my sister. I wanted to watch this since ages because it sounded like an interesting movie and IT WAS! After all, what film stars the Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, the Easter Bunny and Jack Frost battling against the Boogeyman? I have to admit the plot isn't out of the ordinary but what is out of ordinary out there, but, BUT, BUT, BUT, animation-wise. OH MY GOD. Dreamworks, what sort of people have you been recruiting to animate such beautiful things with such detailed designs? IT'S TOO PRECIOUS. And, the behind the scenes featuring the cast voicing the characters? It's top notch. (And Chris Pine as Jack Frost!)

And, on the 25th of December, I went to the Star Trek Exhibition with my sisters and brother-in-law at the National Science Centre. I heard of Star Trek. I heard of James T. Kirk. Did I hear about The Enterprise? I heard of Spock. Everyone must have heard about Spock. I also heard of Jen Morrison being Kirk's birth mother in the 2009 film during her interview for Once Upon a Time and that was the one thing I pointed out to my sister during the exhibition. HAH. Imagine the surprise, man. However, I didn't know what the entire thing was all about because I didn't exist when it started.

But, ah, something piqued my interest. The alternate reality Star Trek (2009). See, the thing about the 2009 film is that young James T. Kirk is played by Chris Pine and considering that I watched Rise of the Guardians that stars Chris Pine as Jack Frost -- do I have to state the obvious?

I didn't regret a thing. I had a good laugh watching the film. Bones chasing after Jim who is under the effect of the shot (with big hands and numb mouth!). OH CLASSY. Now, I am among those who is excited for Star Trek Into Darkness and yep, not because of Benedict Cumberbatch, but because of Chris Pine. Also, there's a familiar face in Star Trek that I realized a while later after watching it. CHRIS HEMSWORTH, what are you doing in Star Trek?! I think the beard and long hair to keep for his character as Thor has changed his image without the beard and the long hair. Still, adorbs.

When examination is over, I plan to go to KLCC with my sisters. I plan to go to Kinokuniya to buy books and hopefully there is time to watch The Hobbit. I do hope once I have watched The Hobbit, I will feel like watching the Lord of the Rings trilogy. WOW, must it always be like that? I have to watch the newer thing then I watch the old things. Oh, well, I was too young to appreciate films, so.

Overall, this post has been about Chris Hemsworth and a bit about Chris Pine. *slowly steps back*

Oh, and I'm excited that I can write this long after a long while.


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