i have long abandoned you and i regret it

Jan 05, 2013 11:56

Goodness, it has been 5 months since the last entry?!


I have a lot of things to write about! In September 2nd 2012, I entered the University of Malaya (which was unexpectedly closer to home but I never realized it!) taking my first degree, Bachelor in Nursing Science. I have mixed feelings because this was my fourth choice. I myself was unsure if this course was the one for me but after three months of studying plus one month of practical at the hospital, and currently in the examination week until the 16th, I didn't have much regrets.

In fact, I am glad I ended up with this course. :)

Nursing Science is not as easy as it sounds. People often think that those learning to become a nurse takes it easy but I shall tell you that it's all bullshit. We work as hard as doctors, perhaps even harder, because we deal with humans. Humans are different, no one is ever the same as the other. Humans have different emotions, different needs, different expectations, different goals, etc.

If humans are one and same, what are we then?

It has been a pleasant journey despite challenges, hardships, frustrations, anger, depression, etc.

Anyway, the reason behind my disappearance over the months besides studying is that I am permanently at Tumblr. Sometimes, I am at my personal blog but some other times, I am at my side blog, messing around AU!Kaname. Other than that, I have been watching a lot of movies and discovering new fandoms.

Star Trek, yes.

Rise of the Guardians, oh yes.

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