Feb 12, 2006 03:10
I have nothing at all to write
It's 3:10 am. I hav to work tomorrw but my hope is that this blizzard will be sooo bad that i won't have to somehow...cancel phonathon bitches!! Dooo it!!! But I'm actually realllly mad that this blizzard is happening toniht instead of tomrorwo night so now we're gonna have school on Monday :(
I wish we wouldn't have school Monday.
I have an econ test on Tuesday night, Valentine's day night. Woot. NOw that I'm having my first single Valentien's day since, oh, 2002, I might as well enjoy it...BY TAKING AN ECON TEST. Wowww. That's hot.
I miss Pat. But I'm glad he's my friend. And he brought me a Cadbury egg when he visited me which was mucho sweet :).
OOOOOh It's so blizzarding soooo much right now. I have suchhh as desire to go sledding down the library hill right now. But I shouldn't cuz, well, it's 3:16 am and I'm wearing a tank top and jeans and socks. NOt exactly sledding attire.
hehehe i know i'm bad hehehe
some of you will know what that's from.