Title: ...in which we are reacquainted with the dango daikazoku and Piglet meets Pooh and starts to learn that maybe not all teachers eat students, and the stories begin
tiny_estrellaRating: G
Fandom: Uniq
Pairing: Yixuan/Sungjoo
Length: 679w
Summary: Piglet meets his Pooh bear one day in kindergarten class
Notes: This is set in the same au as my
Sukai which you don't have to read. Just know that Myungsoo is their KG teacher and Sungjoo earnestly thinks that all teachers eat kids for snacks. This also takes place after Roo. Again, don't have to read just know Roo is his older sister and yes she is also named after the Winnie the Pooh character. This whole series is slightly inspired by
Winnie the Pooh tbh. Enjoy :33
Sungjoo clings to his older sister.