Dec 08, 2005 11:04
this is the end of the second day of my first trip. yesterday we went to portland, vegas, sacramento i think and ended in tulsa. the hotel in tulsa was really nice- the raddison, i stayed in a suit. my first night to spend BY MY SELF since las summer when i got stranded in pensacola visiting flea. it was kinda scary. i kept having nightmares about being late. then they tried charging me $10.80 for a bowl of cereal and some oj. i was pissed. but they ended up only charging me 5... still a rip off... but what can u do? today i had a creepy guy ordering a bunch of screw drivers and hitting on me. he tipped me $11 so i guess its ok he was creepy. we went from tulsa to sacramento to san diego to orange county to sacramento. my orange county trip blew. the people were weird- i had 2 people tell me how to do my job and one guys cell rang twice, all before take off. we're in sacramento now. the hotel is nice, another suit, fridge and microwave included. plus free wireless... radisson didnt have that either. we went to the mall across the street and i got x-mas cards and shea butter cause my hands are chapped like crazy. ok time for bath and bed. good night!
so monday we stayed in sacramento. me, terri and lisa- the other F/As went to the mall then to the cheesecake factory for dinner.. i was really dizzy, they said it was jet lag. i went home and had a temp. of 99.2, not high, but my norm is around 97. didnt sleep much that night cause the room temp was either too hot or too cold, then i had night mares. woke up that morning and my temp was 99.5. i coughed so hard i couldnt stand up. i felt like ass. called schedualing to give up the rest of my trip, ended up working back to oakland, we had really light loads all day so i recovered my trip and "worked" the rest of the day. by work, i mean i sat in the jump seat for take off and landing, then i slept in the back the rest of the flight while terri and lisa did everything. i felt bad, but we never had more than 50 people on a flight, and the planes hold 137. so there wasnt much for me to do anyway. now i'm in san diego staying with flea at a military base. my feever got up to 100.6. i feel like ass, and her barraks doesnt have a heater. so its effin cold. yay. *note the sarcasam* she gave me some medicine so i should be getting better soon i hope. i'll be home the 13-16 provided i can make the flight. love u all!