Stolen from
Kim In your bedroom you have:
[ ] a television
[x] vcds
[x] dvds
[x] cd player
[ ] xbox/playstation
[ ] radio/stereo
[ ] computer
[x] laptop (bought on my own)
[ ] fridge
[x] bathroom (shared)
[x] picture frames
Total: 5
You are allowed to:
[x] party (in the simplest sanest definition)
[x] go to the mall with friends
[x] eat unhealthy stuff
[x] stay out til past midnight
[x] have your own curfew
[x] pick your own school
[x] buy your own stuff
[x] drive anywhere if you know how
[x] drink liquor
[ ] curse
Total: 9
Have you ever:
[x] talk back to your parents
[ ] sneak out at night
[x] been "told", not "scolded"
[x] been out of the country
[ ] shopped 'til you drop
[x] been given more money than you needed
[ ] felt you were heavily guarded
[x] spent thousands in one store only
[x] made your parent(s) cry
[ ] yelled at your yaya
Total: 6
Do you:
[x] have what you need
[x] get what you want (depends)
[ ] travel a lot (what counts as a lot?)
[x] have a maid (but we don't use that term)
[ ] have a driver
[ ] get a high allowance
[x] do whatever you want (within limits, of course)
[ ] have branded clothing
[x] have an credit card
[x] eat whenever you want
Total: 6
Do your parents:
[x] ever scold you for not following your curfew
[ ] give you EVERYTHING you want
[x] trust you
[ ] buy you things for the sake of buying them
[x] give you "extra cash" when you're out somewhere
[x] think you should have the best and only the best
[x] want you to be happy
[x] help you
[x] love you
[ ] pay for the mess you've made
Total: 7
All together: 33
Add all the total numbers of scores,
then multiply by 2.
Repost as "I'm __ % spoiled."