Favorite Movies

Jun 23, 2007 15:31

Aww yes, it was bound to happen eventually. Here's a list of my favorite movies:

Favorite Movies
In This Order:
1. The Departed
2. The Invisible
3. Lord of the Rings
4. The Professional
5. Pirates of the Carribean
6. Ghost Rider
7. Sahara
8. Runaway Jury
9. Shanghai Knights
10. Shanghai Noon
11. Day After Tomorrow
12. The Prestige

The Departed - Leonardo Di Caprio was so incredibly amazing in this. If I ever decide to develope a celebrity crush, it will be on him. (or Johnny Depp :3)

The Invisible - I saw this in theaters. The ending was so sad, but it was a really good movie.

Lord of the Rings - This is the only movie that I love as much as I loved it's book. Peter Jackson did an amazing job.

The Professional - This movie was so sad, but also really sweet. T-T Leon.

Pirates of the Carribean - Need I explain this one? Johnny Depp was so funny, as was the movie. I loved the first one, the second movie wasn't really very good, but the third one mananged to be worth seeing.

Ghost Rider - lmao This movie was so cheesy! I loved it. ;D

I'm still waiting to get Runaway Jury, Shanghai Noon, The Invisible, and Ghost Rider on DVD.



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