Sooooo, my lovely friends, how was your Halloween?
Mine was fun and very drunk (I'm so addicted to Cosmo's so I don't know when to stop xDDDDD). Very drunk because even Russians are not allowed to mix vodka, beer and wine and vodka (again) and expect to feel absolutely fine and sober. Well, this town has already seen me making fool out of myself so it's not a big deal. At least, I don't throw up any more mwahaha yuck I know hahahaha
Oh yeah, I was Ms Marilyn Monroe! xD Surprised? xDDDD
Monsieur Vampire, real drag queen, wanna-be drag queen.
Cosmo's are glamorous, but very addictive ^^
Anywaaaay, I'm quitting drinking for a little bit since I'm facing a "I'm getting into my 20's" crisis where I think I'm getting old and I don't find getting fucked up fun any more. And this is very wrong since alcohol is a very big part of my life that I'm not willing to give up easily...or give up at all. I'm gonna win this fight with my mind!!! xD
I also joined a club and applied for another one. I feel like a hypocrite since everybody knows I don't volunteer and I don't do clubs. I have an excuse: activities of these clubs might help me take over the world in future. YAY for Entrepreneurship club and Entrepreneurship Roundtable! xDD