Dec 02, 2006 16:10
Ok so forget that I had a gap commerical on my last post GAP is totally sucky.
As most of you know I try to be a worldy person. I drink fair trade, shade grown, organic coffee. I try to make sure only a small amount of my clothing is made in sweatshops.
But since i am in college and i don't work sometimes I have to buy the cheaper stuff that may not be morally perfect.
On thurday in class we watched a video about the manufacturing of clothing for GAP, WalMart and JCPenny.
There made in these shops in Ecuador that are ran by mean korean managers. They employ mostly teenage girls and sometimes younger boys. Their regualr work day goes from 7 to 7 but if they dont finish their quota they are often kept as late as 3am. The Managers are verbaly abusive and will often hit the girls. Everyday as the girls leave work the manages distrubute birth control pills (they actually showed this in the vedio) telling the girls that they are vitamins. If they dont take them they can be fired. If a girl does get prego they administer injections to abort the baby. This shouls make everyone mad since the women dont even have a say.
As Globalization continues to make the world smaller and smaller. There are no longer any independant conuntries. It is important that we are aware of what we put on and in our bodies and how they affect the world.
Was that coffee you're drinking grown with a huge amount of pestisides that have poluted a villages water supply makeing women infertile, or next to a cocaine field? If your drinking foldgers you have no way of knowing.