Got my
1602ficathon assignment in the mail.
I thought I'd be a natural for one of the other requests, since we had a lot of points of interest in common, but apparently not.
I guess I should have mentioned that I seriously hate religious doctrine, conspiracy theories, and the crap reasoning that leads to both, deeply resent the unthinking superstition that leads to ritualistic mysticism usurping proper science, and have no desire to even try and write in the RL political situation since just about every account available is partisan, meaning I'll have to filter out national biases on top of slogging through turgid and opinionated prose.
Just what I wanted to do on my summer holidays.
At least Amazon's 2-week Canada Day sale still has that history of English colonialization book available relatively cheaply. There's probably some other stuff I can pick up to make the free shipping minimum.
Now to see if one of the libraries has copies of those Child ballads with their endless annoying verses or I'll have to google for the damn things.