Killing LJ interface annoyances

Jun 20, 2006 20:29

With the help of no_lj_ads, have hidden a number of Livejournal site annoyances.

Namely, the ads on Sponsored+ accounts, the upgrade reminder boxes in the user editing area, and that dysfunctional eyesore of a Navigation Strip.

It took me a few minutes tweaking to figure out how get rid of the two nags on the userpic editing page without also killing the submit box on the profile editing page, but I've finally managed it, albeit one of them has been replaced with an unaesthetic blue dot.

But better than seeing useless reminders of how many more userpics I could have if I switched to paid or sponsored, which I find ridiculous, considering I barely use more than two out of the six I have.

Clearly, I am not Livejournal's target audience, even though I fall into their much-hyped age demographic.

For anyone else using Camino with CamiTools installed, the following is the relevant portion of the User Style Sheet:

@-moz-document domain( {

/* Removes LJ NavStrip from pages. */

html body
padding-top: 0 !important;

display: none !important;
/* Removes CProds from pages. */

#CProd_box, #ExtraInfo
display: none;
/* Removes LJ Ads from pages. */

display: none !important;
/* Kill the userpic upload page ad*/

div.standout > table.container * p, div.EditPicsStatus
display: none;

Also, started ripping my music collection out to FLAC and thence Ogg Vorbis, now that I'm only using iTunes for the weekly free download at Apple's expense. Might possibly showcase some Canadian Content for the enjoyment of the less Commonwealthy.


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