Sep 10, 2010 19:09
not that anyone cares.... here we go! 5 in one entry? why not!
Day 06 - Your day, in great detail
I woke up at around seven thirty- brushed my teeth, had a shower, ate yogurt/granola, watched veronica mars. Left my house at 8:40 and walked to work... got there about ten minutes early so I read a magazine until 9:30... then I worked. I did some organizing, a colour order, booked some appointments... dusted... very exciting. My manager's getting married in a few weeks and will be away from the salon for two weeks. For whatever reason, it's been decided that I am her stand-in... so we talked about that... and I get to go to the Aveda holiday launch party with my boss... so that's exciting because I get to dress up and then have an awkward evening of mingling with salon owners at a very nice restaurant. I have never been to a work event that wasn't just my coworkers, so I am intrigued. Anyway, so I worked untill 5:30 and then I walked home... and when I walk home I walk through a pretty sketchy area, which is also the only area where people in this city find me a suitable dating partner. Met a guy who just moved here from Toronto and says it's not very fun because there is no marineworld or wonderland? I asked him if that's what he did all the time in Toronto and he said yes. And then he insulted the Calgary Tower. Needless to say, very incompatible. Not to mention the fact that he is likely a drug dealer???? Hate to generalize. Anyway the rest of my walk was uneventful, drank an iced coffee and listened to cbc radio 3 the breakfast club podcast. I've now been home for about a half hour... tonight I will probably go to a techno show and watch people dance like lunatics.
Day 07 - Your best friend, in great detail
Well I'm a grownup so I don't say best friend anymore. But I guess the friend I am around most is Marcella and she is slightly taller than me with dark brown hair and brown eyes. She's pretty fun I guess. I don't know what to say!!! She loves techno music and 80s metal... and wearing shirts off of her shoulder. Because of her, I feel as though my life resembles the eighties more than any other decade.
Day 08 - A moment, in great detail
Oh my god!!! What moment? Got new glasses and man they are headache inducing... i feel as though i'm wobbling everywhere in them. that's a moment i guess. glasses shopping is the worst- nothing looks good.... too wide, too narrow, too big at the nose, curve up at the side, ugly handles, etc etc etc. then you get paranoid and realize that not even the glasses you've been wearing every day for two years look good!!! what are you supposed to do?
Day 09 - Your beliefs, in great detail
i believe that if every person could feel healthy, be happy, and feel whole that there would be no fights. i also believe that some of these goals can be achieved differently depending on the individual. this is the great benefit of religion- helps people feel whole. i'm not religious and i have a hard time, but also can't get behind most religions for myself. something is going on on planet earth and i'm not loving it. i wish that instead of fighting wars, designing new novelty food products (even though i love them) and focusing on what is wrong with ourselves (and this is what most of my brain energy is dedicated to) that we could focus on lifting everyone up. change the way food is viewed/sold/made, love ourselves, have patience, understanding and gratitude and feel balanced... instead people focus on tearing others down.
basically these beliefs are the things that will change/improve my life, and i think the root of many common problems today. ahhhh utopia!!!
Day 10 - What you wore today, in great detail
I am wearing an ill-fitting nude bra, a blue tri-blend american apparel v-neck, red bikini underwear, black levis, black toms, and my glasses. when i was outside i was also wearing a navy blue american apparel hoodie and a red flannel jacket. it is a boring outfit, but also super flattering, as my least favourite coworker told me i look as though i am withering away. trust, she meant it as a compliment.