Feb 08, 2005 21:14
Woohoo, guess the last time I updated I might've still been at school lol. Well here's the status quo:
I've been working full-time for almost the last 2 months now out at Wright-Patt. While I do have the evenings more or less to myself, the weeks become very routine, and so I do enjoy heading down to Cincy for the occasional basketball game and/or weekend activity. Speaking of which, I'll be down there this Thursday night for the UC/XU game, the local blood feud hehe. It's gonna be crazy and there's always that chance that I show up on tv (which in this case will be ESPN i think) in case you plan on flipping on the boob tube. Also speaking of activies (since there's not much else of interest to talk about), I went snow skiing for the first time a few weekends ago, and then again the following weekend, since there were some good rates I could get in for with a couple organizations from school (one of which paid half of the price) :-D . I must admit it seemed a little odd the first couple minutes getting used to picking up the skis to walk and such, but the downhill part almost came second nature. Part of this might be because I found characteristics similar to water skiing and also the single ski sledding which any of you who have been sledding w/ me knows what that's about.
As you can probably tell from the previous paragraph, I'm almost always looking for something to do, so if you wanna talk or get together sometime, let me know. So I guess I'll finish up this journal entry with another one of those dumb surveys hehe:
1. What time is it: Whatever time it says on your clock while you're reading this. :-D
2. Name as it appears on birth certificate? Andrew Thomas Charles Severyn
3. Nicknames: Sevdog, Sevvy, TC.....
4. Piercing: N/A
5. Eye color: Hazel
6: Place of birth: West Carrollton, Ohio
7. Favorite food: PIEROGIES!!! actually just about anything lol
8. Ever been to Africa: nope
9. Ever been toilet papering? not that I can remember
10. Love someone so much it made you cry? Don't remember
11. Been in a car accident: Yes
12. Croutons or bacon bits? Add anything and everything
13. Favorite day of the week: Friday or Saturday
14. Favorite restaurant: Too many to list (anything that has good food, we'll say Skyline right now for the sake of argument)
15. Favorite flower: don't have one, but definitely not dandelions
16. Favorite sport to watch: Basketball
17. Favorite drink: Rum and coke is always good, but lots of stuff is just as good
18. Favorite ice cream: Mint Chocolate Chip
19. Disney or Pixar: Today I'd have to go with Pixar since Disney has gotten off track with alot of things
20. Favorite fast food restaurant: WHITE CASTLE!!! hehe
21.What color is your bedroom carpet: Greenish
22. How many times did you fail your driver's test: Zero
23. Which store would you choose to max out your credit cards: Best Buy
24. What you do most often when you are bored: Try talking to people, maybe watch tv, sleep
25. Bedtime: during co-op it's by 11 usually, during school God only knows
26. Favorite TV shows: Conan's always pretty good, Red Green, most rerun sitcoms
27. Last person you went out to dinner with: If it's just a single person then I don't know (I have no life remember)
28. Ford or Chevy: definitely Chevy
29. What are you listening to right now: the computer fan making noise next to me
30. What is your favorite color? Red and Black (GO BEARCATS!!!)
31. Lake, ocean or river: depends which ones
32. How many tattoos do you have: None
33. Have you ever run out of gas: nada
34. Time you finished this e-mail: 9:30pm